What merch are they selling???


You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
:hypno: :rock: Ok people what are the selling at the Anthrax Merch table? Is there a shirt with all 3 bands? What new shit so they have??? I need info people....... Mr Wu... chim in please
No shirt with all three bands.

Anthrax has MOMD and TGOTE t-shirts. They have long sleeve shirts like the one Bush wears in MOMD with "Anthrax" and "04" on the back. Basically like the ones they have been selling since last year but now long sleeve. They also have some Scott sticker and pics deal. They probably also have something from Charlie, though I don't remember what.
They also have the short sleeved pentathrax, a red & white jersey for smaller people, a babydoll shirt, I think an ATL shirt. Pentathrax hat, 10 guitar pics, Drum heads(personally) and sticks signed by Charlie and a plaster caster of Scott. Okay no plaster caster. My girlfriend chimed in LOL.