What my friends have been up to since i left NY state...


May the HORNS be with you
Apr 6, 2007
My friends in this band wrote this insanely awesome song, and there's live video footage.



I miss these guys, but they are certainly doing alright.
No, sir. Just speaking my mind.

I did say I would keep my musical opinions to myself, but since he made a topic for it, then called it insanely awesome, I had to.
Good vocals, musicianship is pretty good too. A little repetitive and the drumming is boring.

However, not bad for a startup band. They won't get signed with that right now, but if they work on their songwriting skills they could go places.
I thought the vocals were pretty strong. Definitily hit and a miss though. I really enjoyed the section that was SYL-esque, but the rest lost my interest. Stupid myspace media player only loaded two-thirds of the way, so I can't comment on the rest :p
their page has some some good songs on it as well. they are an awesome band live. and you're right, the drums were boring, but that wasn't Darren's kit so he had to fuck around a bit.
It wasn't the sound, but rather the ability that I was critiquing. It was just kinda meh as far as his expression on the kit goes. Not bad, but definitely not making himself stand out from the gajillion other drummers exactly like him. Still, he was in time and played with energy. As long as you have that, you can at least have a band.
I like it. Not fond of the vocals, but I don't like screaming. Even still it sounds good to me.

EDIT: The songs on their myspace are fucking fantastic, you have some kick ass friends.