What other ways can you record guitars and bass?


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2011
I've seen a million things, or at least read and heard about a million things.

I know for a fact Joey uses a Line 6 POD for his recordings, everyone should know this anyways. Basically, I know people use guitar processors direct to record. I've seen the traditional way of miking an amp cab up with either the standard SM57 (in my opinion, it never gets clear enough), or a vast selection of Condensers.

With most studios that record hardcore and heavy metal music, I've seen the band bring their amp head in and be in house in the studio instead of in the other room while tracking and such.

But to be honest, how do they even do that? And are there any other ways to record guitar and/or bass that I don't know about?
Like Anssi said a really long speaker cable, an sm57 to mike the amp and maybe add a condenser mic for some variation.
I recorded with my band at a studio and the dude used 2 amps, which gave a pretty solid hxc sound imo. I thought it was a 5150 and an Engl but what type of Engl top it was? No idea.
Oh and Marshall cabs :)
Recording with the amp in one room and the player in another ?
