What reamp boxes are there on the market?

Edit: No, actually scratch that idea

In fact, no - reinstate that idea. Brushed up on my valve info - local NFB occurs directly between the grid and cathode inside the tube. Shunting the input resistor wouldn't affect it at all. So I will (tentatively, since I haven't tried it yet) add to the list of reamp gear available... 1 resistor. Can be had for about 15p. Some soldering required, but will correct the impedance mismatch between low-Z line-out and Hi-Z amp input without the noise issues of an active device and without the expense of a good transformer-based unit.

Is there an experienced EE in the house? I've gotta be overlooking something. Surely...
I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I got this in mail just a few days ago (forgot to check my mail)...

Dear Anssi Tenhunen,

We have not heard of the development of a reamping device from our developers. We will take you message as a a suggestion and forward it. Thank you very much. We appreciate all suggestions and new ideas are always welcome :-)

We hope that we have been able to help you with this information.

Best regards,

Your BEHRINGER Customer Support Team

This feedback is about:

Are you planning to do a reamping device?

So if you see a Behringer reamping device by 2011, blame it on me :zombie:
Yes, I also want to know how much Red Eye is reducing the signal.
So far I know that Radial`s drops level by 12 db.