What should feature on an Enchant DVD ?

Ze Dan

European Prog Rock Rabbi
Sep 5, 2002
Paris, France
Come on guys besides the live show I'm sure you'd love to see other stuff from Enchant …*so shoot !

Personnally I'd love to see some studio report…*watching a band recording or fooling around in the studio is something I always loved to watch, also rehearsing footage.

I'd also love to see some bootleg videos. What I mean here, is amateur footage by crew or friends from the band. (for instance, live in the streets of Paris… Ed this one's for you my man !)

Another thing that would be really cool, is a long interview from each members, asking them about the beginning of the band. Make a "disc by disc" comment etc…

I just thought about one thing that could be really cool : asking Thomas Ewerhard (the cd designer) what does he think about the band ? In which way does Enchant inspire him when it comes to work on the booklet and the cover …

And of course hidden bonuses

What about you friends ? Enchant guys feel free to share your thoughts
Perhaps some interviews or studio recording sessions. I think it should stick to that. Sometimes knowing too much about a band can take away the magic. I mean when you take a look at the great bands of the seventies there was this kind of mystery around it. You only saw them on stage or in music magazines. These days there's too much that is shared, like guitartabs etc. I mean do you really have to teach your fans how to play your songs? I remember a time when even the lyrics weren't written on every cover. Yuo'd have to figure that out for yourself. I hate movies like In bed with Madonna or shows like The Osbournes, where you can see how silly these people really are.
Anyway, a studio recording session can be interesting, but I don't need to see Enchant members playing golf for instance or whatever they do in their spare time.
... some footage of the tour, but not too mutch, just like 5 min, just to get that tour vibe...and of course rehersal stuff,studio stuff, especially gear ;)
more than anything, considering it will be their first DVD, behind the scenes or vintage material taken from the vaults as you say is not a bad idea, but i tend to think the more music that is covered in the set, the better it will benefit the band, especially first time listeners, just an idea, as for hidden bonuses, i am not so sure if that is a good idea, i'd say i have seen Rush Live in Rio DVD many times now and i still can't seem to figure out the easter egg hunt...
JavieRx said:
more than anything, considering it will be their first DVD, behind the scenes or vintage material taken from the vaults as you say is not a bad idea, but i tend to think the more music that is covered in the set, the better it will benefit the band, especially first time listeners, just an idea, as for hidden bonuses, i am not so sure if that is a good idea, i'd say i have seen Rush Live in Rio DVD many times now and i still can't seem to figure out the easter egg hunt...

#1 2nd DVD - watch the documentary, as soon as By-tor and the Snow Dog is mentioned - press play.

#2 2nd DVD - from the menu: Press #2, as soon as the video starts - hit menu. Press #1 - as soon as the video starts - hit menu. Then #1-hit menu, then #2 - hit menu....2112....get it?
Hi everyone!

We are pretty sure that there will be some extra stuff on the DVD, it is just undetermined what that will be at this point. Ed had his camera on quite a bit while we were in Europe and I am sure there are some classic bits that could be added (Enchant doing laundry in Padderborn). As far as the "making of" from Tug or Blink, we really don't have any footage of those sessions, but we intend to keep the camera on as we rehearse and plan for the DVD filming. We don't want to "waste" the opportunity to do something really cool here, and just put out a straight concert film. The specific date and venue are not yet confirmed, however we are leaning towards Imusicast in January... As is always the case in Prog., this could change.

We have a bunch of pictures from Europe that we will be putting on the website soon. It is quite a task to get everyone together to go through everything and choose the stuff we like.

Thanks for all the support everyone!!!

Benicio Rules

And looks just as cool as he does onstage doing his laundry :)

Sean I did get quiet a bit of film, thats the new tiltle my the way, Boyz on Film :) seriously I captured quite a bit that we may be able to use which I am soooooooooooo glad I did! from the first Tour Party introduction Dinner in Utrecht at the Hotel til the final notes of the finale with everyone on stage in London. This was an amazing tour and everyone involved was amazing! I am sooooooo glad I got it all!

Now it is editing and time to go through it all. Which is very time consuming, I have a lot to go through now!

Hey I don,t think we will get into our spare time hobbies or stuff though? and certainly not the dirty laundry? ???? especailly at the launrdymat in Padderborn mid tour? I don,t think anyone wants to see our mid tour socks and bad briefs and boxers.......................................................nasty!

I have a lot of stuff from the vault as well including the first two tours, some really cool stuff although no where near pro quality? I do have the Would footage with Portnoy on skins in Bonn and some really cool footage of a huge show in Milan in front of 5000 people?

So we shall see, we will try and get some re-hearsal stuff and making of the DVD as well.

It is going to be a totally cool event and Enchanted weekend! We hope to see as many of you here that can make it as possibile! Maybe it should be a weekend event? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm thats sounds pretty cool to me! And if imusicast is the deal and we do it there it is broadcast out over the net live for anyone that can not attend which I think is really a cool deal!

OK back to it!
Cool! Boyz on Film! Bestill my heart--stuff from the vault...re-hearsal stuff and making of the DVD...that's almost more information than I can handle at one time!!

It would be cool to have the boyz talk about the inspiration for/creation of songs...similar to the liner notes in the special/limited edition albums. But not too much talk...:)

Yes, please, a weekend event...that's so cool that Imusicast rents out for the whole weekend. (Hey, we can hope and dream, eh? What else would you expect from The Enchanted!):p

As for reaching a wider audience--follow some of the big players' methods...perhaps low slung jeans, belly-button piercings, some bad-boy dancers, one of them brass poles...:loco:

Oh yeah, guess I should buy a DVD player...

ebass said:
some really cool stuff although no where near pro quality?
I don´t care if it´s shot professionally or not.
I mean, the SB DVD has many scenes shot with a handheld camera, but these are really worth seeing. Funny stuff.
You know, a fan wants to get to know the personalities behind the people they know from the stage. That´s why I love the Beard-DVD (again this example...): you learn more about the band - even if it´s singing some crazy song in the kitchen or crying during recording a song or chasing kids in the living room.

Why not seeing any mid tour boxers?? :grin:
first of all. Enchant rocks!!!! one of my fav bands ever!!!I love your music guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!really makes move something inside me great lirycs
I have read you're thinking of making a dvd!!!1 EXCELLENT!!!!
I'll buy it stright when it comes out as I am from spain I haven't seen you live, well only in that real player movie from nearfest(love that concert) so the dvd would be a great idea so we all could know you guys a little and learn how you compose those awesome songs!!!
:wave: by the way tug of war is a great album!!!
Well, the Inside Out DVDs are awesome, maybe I expected a biiiit more extras on the Transatlantic one, but in any case it fulfills my needs perfectly well. So, I'll be glad if the guys come up with one of those magnificent double DVD in a deluxe edition like Transatlantic and The Flower Kings did.

As for the special stuff, I know the song "Beautiful" is not included into the set list the guys played live this tour, so I would really appreciate some sort of acoustic section including "Beautiful" and "What To Say" (something like "Know That" but a bit longer), and maybe "Traces" or "Comatose". "Beautiful" has a special meaning for me, so it would be a negative point not to find it into a DVD. As for the rest, I play along the enthusiastic ideas posted above. :Spin:

|ng (Beautifulmaniac)
|ngenius said:
As for the special stuff, I know the song "Beautiful" is not included into the set list the guys played live this tour, so I would really appreciate some sort of acoustic section including "Beautiful" and "What To Say" (something like "Know That" but a bit longer), and maybe "Traces" or "Comatose". "Beautiful" has a special meaning for me, so it would be a negative point not to find it into a DVD. As for the rest, I play along the enthusiastic ideas posted above. :Spin:

|ng (Beautifulmaniac)
The acoustic stuff would be AWESOME!! What to Say, Beautiful, Pure all excellent choices.


---on my way from snowy, cold, Bmore to warm sunny Orlando today:grin:
Hey, what about the early demo songs that were not released on the Blueprint special edition?! Audio only of course, but I don't care - I want those demo songs! ;-)

yyzmoose has a cool point,i could watch Neil 100% in those songs.So if the same thing is done,i can watch Sean play :)
Cool idea, YYZ and welcome aboard Quick! We were just talking about that feature last night while watching (again!) DT's "Scenes from New York"! My bass player pal wished he had the ability to watch John Myung all night! Ah well! At least he had super slo-mo when the cam WAS on John!

As for Enchant's DVD...well of course this feature would be cool, but it probably is expensive...I would definitely love a really well shot - and WELL EDITED (watch two minutes of Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio to see what bad editing is, LOL! I love Maiden but that DVD with the super-fast editing makes you feel like you're in air turbulence for two hours!!!!) product of what was a fabulous show (think Aschaffenburg, guys!). Some bonus features would be cool - interviews with everyone, some 'backstage' footage, maybe including some of the crew (can IO fly Rob, Jason, and Andreas over??? I know, I know --- $$$$ !!!) or footage shot during sound check (everyone should get to see Doug in his 'gansta' garb!) --- you know, the 'making of' kind of stuff, studio footage, some acoustic tracks (depending on time constraints it would be AWESOME to have a little three-song acoustic 'break' in the actual set that night...a la Rush with Resist...and then go back to the full-out rocking!), a companion live CD, and finally, a slide-show photo gallery (a la Jadis' A View from Above)...ya think? :wave:

It would also be WONDERFUL if they get all the production kinks out before going to press with the actual disks though...and not get into the problem they had with the Transatlantic and Testimony DVD's! It's OK if it takes a little longer to come out, really!!!

Can't wait!