Rush/Enchant T sitings?


Mar 18, 2003
Catonsville, MD USA
We went to see Rush a few weekends ago (Montage Mountain - great venue, and great traffic control, LOL!!) and they were excellent!!! They are so good, it is like they are machines -- but they still have feeling....true pros!!! Anywho, there I was, standing by a margarita stand during the intermission, and some dude comes up, points at my shirt (Enchant - DVD gig T shirt) and is all excited - "WHOAAAAA ENCHANT!!! What a great band!!! Don't see many of those, I love them, they are just great! Did you see them at Nearfest?" and on and on.... :)

I almost always wear another band's shirt when I go to a gig, and it is usually Enchant, Savatage, or DT...

Anyone have any Enchant T sitings at other shows?

Hey Mare - how are ya?

Yeah, I had one but it was the other way around. Another buddy of mine and I went with Kevin (who came to the IMusicast show with me) to see Evergrey at the House of Blues up in Orlando - we just shot up there to see them and them drove right back.

So as we're in the parking lot, some guys walk by and one of them spots Kevin's ENCHANT shirt he's wearing and did the same thing to his buddies - "Hey, check it out - an Enchant shirt - good band..."

I was like - "Sweet!"

We just saw RUSH last month in West Palm and there was the usual assortment of shirts there you would expect......
Except for the two guys I saw wearing SYMPHONY X shirts - I definitely did a


I love looking for cool, out of the ordinary shirts at shows....
I wore my Tug shirt bought on the tour last year when Dream Theater played in Cologne in January, but sadly, nobody seemed to know them... never saw an Enchant shirt somewhere myself. Sad, especially considering they're moderately "big" here in the heart of Europe.
By the way, I'm seeing Rush in a good five weeks from now on...:hotjump:
A few years ago I painted Enchant's logo on my bike's frame :) It looked pretty cool but was hardly noticeable.However I was very proud of this little "trademark" showing my identity :rock:
.....On myself!!!! I wore my Imusicast shirt to Tweeter Center in Mansfield, MA when I saw RUSH on the 12th.....I got a few, 'What the hell is ENCHANT?' lol

I said, 'Not WHAT.....WHO'

Of course I had to tell them....I also burned 30 'sampler CDs' to pass out, which included ONE song from each CD....
I'd love to know what songs you put on that sampler CD. Can you post it for me?

Thanks for the promotion!


StocktontoMalone said:
.....On myself!!!! I wore my Imusicast shirt to Tweeter Center in Mansfield, MA when I saw RUSH on the 12th.....I got a few, 'What the hell is ENCHANT?' lol

I said, 'Not WHAT.....WHO'

Of course I had to tell them....I also burned 30 'sampler CDs' to pass out, which included ONE song from each CD....
Douglas A. Ott said:
I'd love to know what songs you put on that sampler CD. Can you post it for me?

Thanks for the promotion!


Here ya go, Doug....

(BotW) - The Thirst
(TL) - Interact
(W) - Fade 2 Grey(wanted to put Below Zero on there for that KILLER solo, but thought F2G was the better tune)
(B) - Surrounded
(J10D9) - Paint the Picture
(BoaE) - Ultimate Gift
(ToW) - Comatose

BONUS - CHANGES - Yes cover
MAN of OUR TIMES - Genesis cover
ebass said:
I sweet move for sure!

Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this!

You rule!
I think about making sampler CDs all the time, but I'm reluctant to intrude upon copyrights and definately don't want to rob income from the band. But on the other hand, increased exposure means greater income, in addition to providing culture to the masses. :grin:'s ok to put some songs on a CD and hand them to friends to check out?

That is really cool of you to be so sensitive to this, we appreciate that for sure.

Just recording a sampler disc for buddies and people is cool.

My thoughts are if someone is really into the band they are going to want to whole package? thats just my take? I think sampler discs bring more people in and like I said if they really like the product they are going to need a real copy!

Hey I made a bunch myself when Tug came out to give to folks that may ot may not want it? Most did.


Frank said:
I think about making sampler CDs all the time, but I'm reluctant to intrude upon copyrights and definately don't want to rob income from the band. But on the other hand, increased exposure means greater income, in addition to providing culture to the masses. :grin:'s ok to put some songs on a CD and hand them to friends to check out?
ebass said:
My thoughts are if someone is really into the band they are going to want to whole package?
EXACTLY! A buddy of mine burned a copy of Blueprint & Wounded for me YEARS ago. He thought I would really dig the band, which I did. I ended up BUYING Blueprint & Wounded (and everything since) so I could have the artwork, read the lyrics, ect.