What should I make for dinner tonight?

no, either i need to make it or my roommate does. we will clash over the pots and pans.

i want a basic meal with meat (or really quality substitute), starch, vegetable, that doesn't include anything difficult like a risotto and will take maybe an hour and a half or less to cook. last time we made broiled scallops, dill-butter egg noodles, and steamed green beans and the time before that chicken marsala, roasted potatoes, and broccoli, if that gives you an idea of the kind of stuff to eat.

maybe we should chance a steak? short of making a florentinian anchovy rub, is there anything i can do to make that less "throw it in the broiler"? or poached salmon...
ooh, one of my favorite meals to make:

homemade baked mac n cheese w/smoked cheese or puttanesca pasta
sicilian broccoli on the side, maybe 'sun-dried' zuccini too
add some bread and wine and you're set.

through some sausage in it if you want meat. and for capers in the sicilian broccoli, try to find salted ones as opposed to jarred in brine. it makes a huge taste difference.
another idea for a side dish: gin infused mashed potatoes. cooking with booze makes everything better.

I've been cooking a lot of mexican food, but it requires a tortilla press, which I assume you probably don't have. And that whole time factor - they aren't always quick recipes.
ok im nixing the gin mashed potatoes, due to a combination of dislike of gin and dislike of (non-wine) alcohol foods in general. :)

the baked mac and cheese is a great idea for a side dish! i'll poke around on the web for recipes (unless you know of a favourite). i prefer less creamy and more cheesy, so hopefully i can find one like that. i don't know if I'll be able to snag sicilian broccoli (whatever it is?), but that reminded me i haven't had broccoli rabe in a while...mmm.
mac n cheese is a main dish kid. don't fuck around. i use the recipe from the book 'vegetarian classics' but there's oodles of em around. the main components I dig are: quality cheeses (especially adding smoked motz), nice nefuchetal sauce (sic), and bread crumbs on top for texture.

sicilian broccoli is super easy. it's just sauteed garlic, pepper flakes and capers with butter, a lil broth, and broccoli.