What song got you into Brainstorm?

In my case it was.....the first song of the first album ;)

I was shopping for some Metal releases in a record store, and I tried "Hungry" without knowing this young band......I've never missed a BS album since!!! :headbang:
Actually it was about 15 years ago ( or even longer ??) when BS did first attempts as Twilight. Not sure, but I think next to Todde, Milan and Dieter were already members. Singer was Oli ("Schmeckers"), Pede played bass. They had a great song called "The Edge" as far as I can remember ... wow, long time ago.
Anyone knows which was the first song on the tour in 1997? Would be that one then :D
Seriously, as I said in another thread, I got into BS through their live show so there's no particular song that got me into them. Would be one song of the first disc though.
Originally posted by Cold Gin
Actually it was about 15 years ago ( or even longer ??) when BS did first attempts as Twilight. Not sure, but I think next to Todde, Milan and Dieter were already members. Singer was Oli ("Schmeckers"), Pede played bass. They had a great song called "The Edge" as far as I can remember ... wow, long time ago.

Wow that long?? They were only 15 and 16 years old at that time!! Do you have anything of the band (pics, flyers, etc) of that time? Or any other ooooooold stuff? I wish I could get my hands on some original BS demos!!!!

I got into them by the lives shows of the Iced Earth tour, so no particular song. Although Voices was and is my favorite of Unholy!!!

Oh, and something about the smilies you can't find, try this:
@marlies I still have a cassette recorded at Todde´s "famous" cellar at his parent´s house where they used to practice. But sorry, that´s mine ... (I wish I had a smilie now!) horrible sound anyway, but fun to have. But that was far before BS.
Sure, that should be possible, but as I told you the sound is horrible ... thanks for your efforts with the smilies, but when I click on the link it says "error on page" ... don´t ask, I have no idea what I am doing wrong. But it could be worse like having no beer in the fridge and tonight is soccer in tv .... arrrrrr
hahaha I guess you're right:) but it's still strange.... Maaaaaark!!!!! We need HEEEEEELP *playing the needy damsell in distress :lol:*

about the cassette: I would be fun to hear in spite of the sound;)
Originally posted by Cold Gin
... thanks for your efforts with the smilies

so here's another effort:
On the left top of the page you'll find the link to your profile. Click there. Once there choose "Edit options". Then scroll down to the bottom of the page to "other options" and check if "use vBCode" is enabled. Make sure you have marked it with "yes" and submit your modifications. That must do! :bah:
I bought their CD "Ambiguity" from a CD vendor at the ProgPower fest in Atlanta last year .... They were recomended from a friend I meet there..... by the second track...I was hooked and went back and got "Unholy" the next day of the festival....."Metus Mortis" followed shortly after!

...I have been a fan since then!!!

For me it's Tear Down The Walls on ambiguity :) because it's a very good song, with good guitar's riff and , vocals are excellent !
But I had discovered Brainstorm with Ambiguity and all the CD is very good !

(I've really a very good english ! Isn't it ? :D )
Heart of Hate from the album Unholy.

A friend of me reconmended me their album Unholy but I couldn't find it anywhere so he gave me his promo cd of that album cause he had both the "real" album and the promo.

At first I thought that they were nothing special, but after a while I rediscovered the tune Heart of Hate and liked it ALOT. And after their gig at Wacken last year I was hocked and I guess that nothing can change that now.
