What song is in my head?


New Metal Member
Mar 19, 2003
I was watching a climbing video Masters of Stone V, and they played a song by this band called vintersorg, and i am totally hooked by it. can anyone tell me what its called?
thats not it, id know it if i heard it. i saw the video about pro rock climbers it was on the tv at REI. i really want to know this song ive searched everywhere.
hmm... well is it in english or swedish? if english; can't you paste something that you can remember, if it's swedish then prehaps try to write what it sounds like :)
there werent any lyrics in this song, i dont know if they played the whole thing or not. it was just an abosultely fuckign savage guitar rift. way up high. it made blood pump in my head. i want to figure this out.
I don't know which song that is featured on the film, I just got aware that they had one of our songs present, but that's great......check out some of the song clips on the site, or go to your local store and listen, then, you of course need to buy all our albums....hehehehehe....

mr V
Does that mean you don't know yourself which song is featured on the video? Or is it a tactics to sell more records?