what songs got you hooked on vintersorg

Well... I had heard Till Fjälls (the song) and a few others... But one day I entered the shop with a pocket filled with money, and I bought Cosmic Genesis. The song that got me hooked was A Dialouge With The Stars and especialy the refrain with the "clean singing/growling" parts. Splendid.

I then was hooked and bought all the albums...:D

The first song I heard was Algol, but the first cd I bought was Ödemarkens Son, and after the first song from this cd was played "När Alver Sina Runor Sjungit" I was totally hooked.....
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
"A Dialogue With the Stars" and "The Enigmatic Spirit".

yup, thats me. I heard Norrland first and loved it, but "The Enigmatic Spirit" really pushed me to add VS to my collection :headbang:
First Hedniskhjärtad and Otygs Älvefärd..
Then the rest of the old vintersorg masterpieces..and otygs second record sagovindars boning (wonderfull music)
Never liked cosmic genesis, I got only mad when I heard it and said some bad words, but vftsg is great ( after getting over the album before), epsecially the base.