So what are the songs Vintersorg plays live? and what's the lineup

We'll do both old and new songs at the 2000 decibel show, I'd better not tell you the setlist, right?? it'll be a suprise then.

mr V
Vintersorg said:
We'll do both old and new songs at the 2000 decibel show, I'd better not tell you the setlist, right?? it'll be a suprise then.

mr V

Thank god for that!!!
Wouldn´t like to see it, when I accidently bumped into this thread... :)
Sorry about that harsh comment Staffan, I see now tat I was a bit, ja du vet...:grin:

anyways, öhm, jag e faktidkt dödsfull just nu...:grin: så---taraaaa!
Gaunerin said:
keyword is line-up ;)
...and if I remember correctly you'll find the answer somewhere in the Summerbreeze thread :)
must be something wrong with my configurations 'cause I've tried that and couldn't find it

BUT I found it in the summer breeze topic :) thanks