What the Christ-buggering weaselfaced fuck is a Meelorst?

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Seriously, does anybody have any clue? My sister won't tell me, so I turn to the wisest people I know...you guys.

Oh yeah, it's the comment under Isabel (Stealer of Dreams's) name. She is "Like A Meelorst." And she says it's a secret. And if I threaten her with bodily harm or harm to her precious rubber band ball, she uses her evil powers which I may not disclose under threat of further evil power-usage.

So, help a brutha out?
She told me to tell you that it's a secret. Sorry. But I do know the answer. Here's a hint: it's the same as being like god.
So being like a meelorst is like being like God which is like being like a being that doesn't exist.

More "like"s in there than a wiretap recording of a cheerleader squad phone convo. Let me sort through that...

You sick, crazy, evil fucks. Let it be known that the word meelorst, from now on, describes one who is so pathetic that they sprinkle salt on their genitalia to get cows to lick it and give them head.

Fucking meelorsts.
I really don't think that it is that hard to figure out. :grin: If a meelorst is like god and god doesn't exist, than a meelorst is a made up figure that doesn't exist. There, now you know. Was it really worth all of the effort?