What the hell has happened to this place?


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Is it just me, or is there hardly any threads that invoke thought like there used to be?? What's going on? Remember the 100+ replies that some of the threads used to get?

Theres hardly any threads worth replying to.

c'mon, surprise me someone, prove me wrong, start a thought thread that everyone has a different opinion about...
"Where were you when you first heard nevermore"

...Wow, i'm impressed. You've outdone yourselves this time guys, well done.

:zzz: :zzz: :zzz:
But, if you are not happy with the threads? Why don't you make one instead of bitching about it?

...For exactly the same reason you replied to this thread rather than making YOUR own...
What would you like us to talk about? Politics, religion (it will get more than 50 replies, but it is boring, except we start with satanism), environment, philosophy, our countries or just about pure heavy metal (or other kinds as well)?
I could suggest a topic about the death penalty, euthanasia, or why is heavy metal becoming popular again. we could talk about an album too, but it wouldn't get many replies.
I think the problem is that we are not so many, that write frequently in this forum.
And the only legend in Greece is Olympiakos. I don't expect you ppl to understand, but if this were a greek forum, and someone posted a thread called "Olympiakos" you would have 400+ replies and fiery ones.
Just for the record olympiakos is the most important soccer (for us ppl) / football (for the rest) team in Greece.
Oso me pligwneis toso me porwneis:rock:
i know who olympiakos is, and i'm and american...how's that for a surprise...

pointless threads, man you ain't kidding...how about the one by true light that started off about the press release, then turned into a smokers discussion...
the people (no need to mention names, *cough-jimbob-cough*) that are complaining about my complaining are simply reinforcing my point.

You would prefer to reply to my simple request (surprise me, make an interesting thread for once) by complaining about it, rather than actually adressing it.

*runs around chasing his tail*
...For exactly the same reason you replied to this thread rather than making YOUR own...

Nice reply to my post, didn't make any sense at all...

Let's get this straight mate... YOU are the one with the problem with the threads, not I. I'm not making any new threads because I don't have a problem with the current ones. I replied to your post because I think you are just being a whiny bitch who thinks that the rest of these posters owe you something. And another thing, you have no right to knock Jimbob's thread. I mean hey, least he's attempted to spice up conversation, unlike yourself.

Originally posted by Trapped
the people (no need to mention names, *cough-jimbob-cough*) that are complaining about my complaining are simply reinforcing my point.

You would prefer to reply to my simple request (surprise me, make an interesting thread for once) by complaining about it, rather than actually adressing it.

*runs around chasing his tail*

I don't say this often, but FUCK YOU!! I only make threads that are interesting to me and if you don't like them, then come up with something yourself. I didn't complain about your complaining, I tried to come up with something more interesting and you mocked it, so I simply put it to you to come up with something interesting. Why am I even wasting my time explaining myself?
NoLordy asks that metalized, jimbobhickville, Trapped, LSDphilosophy, True Light, and anyone else that cares make a thread where everyone must think to answer. Yes, I know some of the people here hate to think about more than one thing at a time (metallica sucks cock), but we must make this board live again!