Same here, I'm a trendy bastard with my dress sense. For a concert I'll throw on the tshirt and combats though, easier to move instead of jeans anyway.
Same here, I'm a trendy bastard with my dress sense. For a concert I'll throw on the tshirt and combats though, easier to move instead of jeans anyway.
Yeah man, I don't wear jeans if I know I'm gonna be movin' a lot. My onstage apparel has become an object of ridicule by my bandmates but I don't care, cuz I wear mesh basketball shorts onstage but the truth is that's what I'm most comfortable in. I used to play basketball a real lot and got used to the comfort they give so I stuck with 'em.
C'mon AztecJester... You really think that the guys from In Flames were serious when they made Hargalåten? Surely just as dead serious when they made that c64-moonshield....
If anybody has ever actually talked to these guys, you'd realize that they have a very odd sense of humor. they;re like the Anthrax of Gothenburg, in the way that most of the time, their music is serious, but on stage and off, they themselves don't take anything seriously, and aren't afraid to do a song called I'm the Man or Moonshield c64 occasionally
By the by, I just wanna say that Iced In Flames' avatar is TO THE LIMIT!