What the hell is "Tuss" ?

Ask Fjelltussa!

Actually her post in the "explain your nickname" thread isn't too helpful.

so, my answer to your question is... no clue.

/* random quote */
"I'm not morally superior to him: I'm smarter than he is. There's a difference."
-Sam Walker
If you look it up in a Norwegian dictionary you get to explanations..
The first is that tuss are creatures who according to superstition or old tales live underground.
The other is takes from Old Norse mythology where tuss are trolls or jotuns.

Tusse is the female version, used among others about huldere and other folktale creatures.
In Norwegian tussmørket simply means dusk or twilight.
Directly translated it does mean something like troll darkness, but I guess the point is that tussmørket is the time in the evening when it is starting to grow dark, and creatures such as gnomes or trolls or other underground creatures are coming forth.
To my knowledge Tuss translate as Goblin in English to give an idea

I also always wanted to know what means "gälaved" in swedish, found its meaning nowhere!
Mantis said:
To my knowledge Tuss translate as Goblin in English to give an idea

I also always wanted to know what means "gälaved" in swedish, found its meaning nowhere!

"Gälaved" mean something like..."Terrain"

mr V