What the hell? MTV?

I can't tell if some of these posts are sarcastic. Anyway, the problem is that MTV couldn't play any of this music if they wanted to since most underground metal bands have a whole zero videos to show. It's getting out there however it can. So hey, just because someone's watching MTV doesn't mean they're some kind of soulless waste. Maybe they'll hear something and actualy like it.
dude that sucks! I would never want my music associated with MTV, esp a show about fraternity and sorority losers. OMG! I hate frats and sororities almost as much as MTV....
I agree with Ian and Hondo. I don't see what's so BAD about it. The End is getting some extra cash from it, the bands just may be heard by someone watching the show or maybe not. The only reason it sounds like it's bad (from reading these posts) is the image the band has might be somehow threatened.

Why? What? So what! It's MTV. You don't like it. Good for you. Don't watch it. It doesn't change the band you love at all. Oh, I'm sorry, expect now, in some eyes, they're somehow tarnished.

:yell: ARRGGHH! But that's so SILLY! :confused:

Point well taken, I agree, it's a choice to watch or not. I put the post up mostly because I thought it was a joke at first and then realized it wasn't. My gut reaction was "holy crap, all those bands will be known." Hehe, it was a silly reaction and I know the bands aren't now "tarnished" as you put it. It's just something you don't see everyday. And I still think MTV and especially those shows are crap. But, for bands that sell thousands, not millions of records, any exposure is good exposure.

A joke? Yeah right... I wondered the same thing. I am somewhat interested in how they were brought to MTVs attention.

I still think MTV and especially those shows are crap. But, for bands that sell thousands, not millions of records, any exposure is good exposure.

I agree. I used to be one that'd... rather keep these bands to myself then share with some little clown that just thought the vocals were kEwL! Not anymore. I missed out on it for that much longer because it's so hard to come by AND I don't get why others that feel that way continue to after a given amount of time. There's always going to be posers or w/e you want to call them. Hiding it to "keep it safe" only keeps others that would seriously appreciate it from finding it sooner.
Oh no, someone besides me might start listening to these bands! Then how will I impress my friends with my obscure taste in music? How dare these artists try to get some much-needed exposure so they could possibly one day make a living off their music instead of having to take a second job at the Burger King drive-through! This is the worst thing in history, ever.
Although I can understand why some fans (and sometimes myself as well to be honest) want to "keep the bands to themselves" I think we should be more realistic. Every bands purpose is to sell more albums and become more successful. And if a band is promoted by any means then that's good for the band. How many times have you seen bands split because the sales weren't high enough to survive? Personally, I'd rather see a band have a larger audience (even if this includes people who just listen to the band because they think it makes them "cool") and survive and continue to record albums than see a band which is really "cult" in the underground community and then disappear without revealing their full potential. And after all if the band really believes in what they do, their music and approach won't change no matter how big their audience.
Could sound something like this...

Arcturus meets the sorority house

"Oh, you bitch, how can you wear the same red dress as me, when you know I had it first"

-While you hear ...


Well, MTV approached The End, not vice versa, so I don't think it's some ploy by The End to make extra money. Having read what someone from Agalloch stated on the subject, it seems they're just happy to get their music out into the open.

As for the other point of this post [ie: whether or not to celebrate the enlarging of our favourtie band's fanbase], there are a few ways to look at it. Yes, it is selfish to want to hold a band back, but everyone has a certain memory [or more] that are associated with music and are deeply personal. These memories run the emotional gamut from elation to depression, but regardless, they are ours. They belond to us. Hence, it's natural to feel a more personal connection with the music that was there during said moment. For all of those special moments, one may feel as though he/she went through an entirely unique experience. But, if someone listens to the same exact thing it's possible that said unique experience could become jeopardized. Some people would deem this "elitism" or whatever, but it's really much more simple than that. If you experience the exact same thing as someone else, your experience will always be [better] or [worse] or [insert descriptive term here]. It's just human nature. To think that someone could feel the exact same as you... its a hard concept to fathom.

I mean, everyone wants to keep his/her own little secret. I wish nothing more than total success and popularity for my favorite bands, but I will always feel that the solo in Serenity Painted Death was written just for me, nevermind the amount of fans Opeth has. Call me childish. Call me stupid. But, that's how I feel, and as such, I can see why someone would be afraid to share his/her favorite toy.

I don't know if any of this makes sense, as my thoughts are scrambled at the moment, but I hope my point came across.