What the hell???


Reaching the infinity
Feb 8, 2003
Alpha Centauri
Visit site
What thew hell happened to the Vintersorg Web Site(www.vintersorg.com). I had acessed the site and there was come strange message in some nordic(i think) language and the same in french too. As i don't speak any of this two, i would like to know if someone could translate to me, or tell me what have happened to the site.

Thank you.
i think the first language looks like dutch or something. of course i could be wrong! :)

i kinda understand the french part though... here's what it says:

This page is temporarily inaccessible. Planet Internet is doing everything to resolve the problem. You can consult our (home?) page at http://assistance.planetinternet.be for the latest information. We apologise for this inconvenience.

...it's probably something to do with the Vintersorg site server i guess.