what the $%#! just happened to the website?

Hey Lady,

Is the new site going to be totally redesigned from the last update? I hope so. I never liked the last design. It didn't fit my screen (too small) and it was kind of simplistic. I liked the previous one much better. Just my opinion, of course.
Yes, it'll be a completely new design..new webmaster too, for that matter, and the band is much more involved with the content as well. I love the new layout, & hope you will too once it's launched; Lisa is doing kickass work on this thing!
That depends on when the band gets the rest of the content finished..they're completing new bios, new FAQ questions, & new up-to-date equipment lists, among other things. As soon as they get those finished, Lisa will get the stuff put into the new site design & get the site up & running.
ooh I'm excited about how it's going to look now based on that kick-ass logo Lisa put up... I can tell its going to be so awesome compared to the last design (no offense to the dude who did the last one but i know im going to like this better)
it's to build anticipation. or to torture us severely. Is anyone else going to go insane before the site goes up or just me???

me now = :hotjump:
me in 2 days = :ill:
me in 4 days = :yow:
me in 6 days = :zombie:
me in 8 days = o_O
when the site comes back = :kickass: :worship: :Spin: :D

he he he... sorry.