What to charge for drum-editing?


Nov 22, 2010
Oslo, Norway
Just got an offer to edit an album for a band, and was wondering how much you guys charge for it? Guess it´s like 8-10 songs or so, moderately fast stuff mostly.
Yeah, I honestly thought Jeff's rates would be higher, seeing how he works with established and signed bands often. I do around 35$ a song, but it can vary depending on the material, stuff with lots of blastbeats and 16th or 32nd notes cost more because the workload grows exponentially.
Depends on the material but for average length songs (4-5 minutes) and average complexity with tempo map included I also hit at around $50 a song

That's also if the drums were at least competently performed and the files werent recorded like complete ass

I also usually include cleaning out the toms (if asked) and kicks and also one extra track clean snare track if clean hits were provided for replacement

Anything more and I adjust accordingly so as an example I've done a full album of Pantera style music for about $500 (11 songs) and a more complex Dimmu style band for $800 (10 songs)
I would charge the amount of time it takes. It is so hard to predict how long a song can take. All from 30min to 3hours so it is pretty hard to say a final price without hearing the material.