what u think about KALMAH lyrics ???


Mar 22, 2008
i found alot of mystery in kalmah songs they talk about alot of subjects but what u think the most style fit kalmah :err: ????

i think swamp issuez:rock: and u guys ?
i think dat the geratest songs to kalmah r talking about the swamps and also antti once said that the swamp enviroment in oulu have a big effect on thier music style and some discribed them as swamp metal
All I Can Say Is That Kalmah Are The Most Artistic, Creative and Controversial Death Metal Band on the planet and their revolution should speak to the world for if it did it would transform it for the better. I have to say that their views on most thing are just the right mix of. Get Wasted, Rebel against the norm and free yourself and your mind and then...get wasted again, and as for the christianity crap its not really for us to say either way that it is or isnt crap or even is or isnt religious but its another subject altogether. its also quite ironic that the keyboard element in Kalmah is what got me into dance music as well as metal rofl
The Keyboard Element In Kalmah is What Makes Them Different, But I do Agree that they shouldnt drown their music in it, but dance music is completely different from entirely keyboard orientated music since it is made with synthesizers and whatnot and the structure of the music its self is totally different from metal so theres no risk of kalmah turning into dance from having too much keyboard.
there is also somthin to say kalmah start to depend on the guitar solos in the later 2 albums black waltz and for the revolution and keybord wat got me into kalmah as long as they dont lose thier style wat worry me alot losing the swamp spirit dats we can see in for the revolution
Every band should play exactly what inspiration drives them to - what they feel like.
Rehashing a concept over and over just because it works,
is musical stagnation, bordering sellout imo.
That is not to say that bands shouldn't honour fine traditions,
but there has to be a limit somewhere.

On one hand I'd kill to see them making some new swamplord'esque songs,
but on the other hand, I salute Kalmah for treading new territories.
The Keyboard Element In Kalmah is What Makes Them Different
I strongly disagree with this... In serbia we have one production called "grand" and it is destroying art here... and guess what is main in destroying? Using keys and sinths to change bass, guitars, violins and something... And of course that is music with no spirit and sounds very ugly...

I agree with you... I salute them to for exploring... but they should not follow steps after TBW... They could exploring in other way... only if they whana get new fans by prise of losing old ones... I would like to hear Svieri Obraza on some new album :-)

and just to anounce... we are in offtopic... sorry to other members...
I agree that keys and synth should not be used to programme and/or mess up the sound of other instruments but you cannot in any way condemn making art with these instruments since (yes it can be done, listen to angerfist and tell me what you think) for they do produce their own unique sound and in metal they add alot of atmosphere and mystery to the songs rather than just aggressive guitar (which is taking over all music) an as for whats killing art thats a whole other topic and its down to alot more than just using midi controlls to bring together drum beats and add effects to guitar and bass and the strings
in metal they add alot of atmosphere and mystery to the songs rather than just aggressive guitar
Yes they add little bit more atmosphere and mystery then aggressive guitar... but guitar don't have to be aggressive all the time... in fact becouse of that rithm guitar exists... it gives aggressive rithm but no melodies and atmosphere... lead guitar is not just for solos... guitar can do almost anything you can do on keys(in metal... of course you can't play j.s.bach's concerto for piano on guitar)... just it will sound prettier... acordation can be used on guitar... there are 6 strings there... not one. Just people when become famous, they become laisy and don't like to bother with hard-to-play stuffs...

an as for whats killing art thats a whole other topic
I'm gona open this one ;-)