What volume level do you record at?


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
What volume level do you record at? I record at 5 on my 5150 and higher on the Pball. Is that too loud to record?

What is a recommended volume to record?
I record at about 3.5 to 4 on my 5150. I always thought that going past 4 and especially at 6 the 5150 turns too muddy.

Basically you want what sounds best to you in the end.

Definately want speaker movement.
well i dont have a guitar amp but the way i'm thinking is that i couldnt give a shit how loud it is, as long as it is around its excursion point properly and it sounds good! and obviously not too too loud that the cab is distorting... but i think you really need to have quite abit of loudness to it wen recording to make it sound big. my guitarist once had a pedal that would make the guitar amp sound as if it was really loud when it wasnt that loud.
It depends on the amp and what I'm going for tonewise.

I've got great tones from my old Mark IV at a little louder than conversation volume. If I can, I prefer to record my Stiletto with the master at about 2:00.
I record at about 3.5 to 4 on my 5150. I always thought that going past 4 and especially at 6 the 5150 turns too muddy.

Basically you want what sounds best to you in the end.

Definately want speaker movement.

what he said any where up to 5