What was missing from Megadeths press release (for real) Dave fell off the wagon!!!!


Check this out, this is from MTV, I don't recall seeing this tidbit on Megadeth's site or at Sludge. I bet Dave was pretty depressed about his band going from perennial gold/platinum records & 3,000 seater live gigs on a major label, to indie label, 100,000 copies of record, and playing half filled clubs or opening for Motley Crue. I'm not really trying to make fun of Dave, I'm just saying with his various addictions, I thought it was matter of time before Dave got back into some kind of vice. I bet his relapse has more to do with this than he is letting on.

Nerve damage to Mustaines arm is a distinct possibility. I just figured with Megadeth's fall from grace, it was only a matter of time before he looked to "alternative means of therapy." The guy seemed miserable when I saw him on the last club tour. Columbus was the last stop to the tour. I know a couple of weeks later they did the Phoenix gigs to record for the live cd, but Columbus was the last "tour stop." Dave did not do a meet and greet, and I remember his vocals sucked. I thought it was the sound man sucking. After the show I walked up to the soundboard, and said "what was up with the vocals??" This scottish gentleman replied "There ain't much you can do when Dave is being an asshole me lad." My buddy and me just looked at each other and were like "oh shit, Mustaine ain't happy." Really, Mustaines undying dream, to catch up with Metallica, well, it died long ago, but I don't think Mustaine imagined things getting this piss poor. It's all relative though, that's why I'm glad anthrax never lost their street mentality. I'm positively sure they(anthrax) wish things were different, but they are still gonna make music like always. I'm not trying to turn this into "who's more dedicated, anthrax or megadeth" thread. My point is, I figured Mustaine was gonna crack up. I only hope he recovers for his wife and family. We've got enough music to live off of, so i hope everything is good in Mustaines camp........