What was the first game you ever played?

Probably Star Raiders on Atari. I remember the first game I was addicted to: Descent. Give me a plasma cannon and a handful of homing missiles and I'll whup your ass any day of the week.
On the PC it would be the Olympic games of Seoul on my old '89 monochrome. That was when I was 3 1/2.
Then came Atari but I don't remember what game I played first on that. Probably the one with the duelling cowboys. I don't know if anyone remembers that game, but okay.
Then gameboy, as a Sinterklaas present... I think my first game on that was the Smurfs.
SNES, first game was this basketball game with Michael Jordan.
After that my first game on a computer with a pentium processor was Leisure Suit Larry :kickass:
Oh yeah I remember Pole Position! :tickled: (and of course everyone knows those other ones as well) I remember getting really pissed off every time I hit one of those doo-doo things or whatever they were. You know, those black spots on the road. But I was pretty damn good at it still (I mean playing, not hitting the black spots).
:loco: i forgot the game...but it was 1985 atari (black box) game... old times