What was the last meal you cooked? Give details on how you cooked it!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
I love the Culinary threads that appear on this forum, everyone's always full of excellent ideas for snacks and meals and all that jazz.

So yeah, post the last meal you made, and then give details, as rough or as complex as you like ^_^

I just made me some curry. Fried half an onion, some chestnut mushrooms, a pear, a yellow pepper, 2 scotch bonnet chilis and one birdseye chili, threw some nutmeg, paprika and cinnamon in there, then poured some orange juice in and let the vegetables soak that in.
Then just stirred in some tinned tomatoes and waited for it to be ready c:

Me and my best friend made potato soup. We peeled about four potatoes, boiled them with Dashi (this Asian spice), butter, and salt and when the potatoes floated we served it up and it was fucking delicious. She found the recipe in a manga... :lol:
Just cut 3 chicken breast fillets into little cubes, loads of spice on them, grill them nicely, some double cream on another frying pan let that get thick, throw it on top of the chicken, some fusili pasta and that was it, nothing fancy but tasteful enough
I put a ton of chicken in a pan and cooked it till it's done. I put a little bit of ketchup on it afterwards. I ate a salad, and a couple pieces of wheat bread with it. That's how I roll 90% of the time. Taste needs not apply haha.
Brined 2 chicken breasts for a few hours (water, salt, and a bit of sugar in a zip lock bag), then pulled 'em out and marinated them in BBQ sweet & sour sauce then tossed them on a grill. With that started, made some long grain rice and boiled 4 ears of fresh corn. Rotated the chicken a few times to give it some nice grill marks, pulled them off and fed the family.
Funnily enough I've been near enough vegetarian lately, sort of by accident. Been cooking so many meals based on vegetables and herbs and spices that meat just hasn't found a place in that for me.
I'm considering taking the plunge as an experiment.
Swiss steak:
1 lg. round steak
2 onions
2 green peppers
1 - 8 oz. can tomato sauce
1 c. water
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper

Chop onion and green pepper and saute in greased pan. Then spoon out in a bowl and set aside. Cut round steak into 4 pieces.

Pound flour into both sides and pound really well, it makes it tender too, you'll be able to cut it with a fork! Brown meat on both sides.

Put chopped onion and green pepper mixture on top on each piece of meat and cover well, if you have to chop a little more do it, it will add to flavor.

Then take tomato sauce and add the water, stir and pour over meat. Simmer on low heat for a couple hours or until meat is tender enough to cut with fork.

If done in an electric frying pan, cook on about 250-300 degrees. Check frequently, mixture will start to thicken, try to keep it from sticking too much; add more water when necessary.

Make this a gravy consistency, not too watery. Make mashed potatoes, add a vegetable and there's your dinner!
Homemade pizza:

Pardon the repetetetetivity if I've mentioned this too many times already, but... mix seven cups of bread flour, three cups of water, a couple of tablespoons each of salt and sugar, and some spices if desired in a sufficiently large bowl and leave to rise for a few hours. After it grows a bit (and, if all goes well, grows enough to collapse, collapses, and grows again) put it in the fridge overnight.

Take about a fourth of this mixture, roll the rough edges towards one point of the lump (so that it looks like a Pac-Man ghost eating itself), leave to sit for about half an hour, and then preheat an oven to about 400F-425F with a pizza stone. If bread is desired, toss the lump into the oven as soon as the oven is hot; to make a pizza, increase the temperature to as high as the oven is capable of, flatten the dough by hand, put some sauce, cheese, and appropriate toppings on the dough, and place on the stone for 6-9 minutes. Remove the pizza-like monstrosity from the oven, give it a couple of minutes to rest, and serve.

grill chicken wings in oven for 20 minutes.........put a pot on the stove with a half cup of tomato juice (v8) a spoonful of honey and ketchup, butter, little salt chili power and cayenne pepper let it cook for 10 minutes until it thickens and then put the chicken in the pot with the sauce and mix it all up....hottt wings!!
I put a ton of chicken in a pan and cooked it till it's done. I put a little bit of ketchup on it afterwards. I ate a salad, and a couple pieces of wheat bread with it. That's how I roll 90% of the time. Taste needs not apply haha.

ahaha, I used to eat like this, just replace the wheat bread with brown rice.

Now its a tin of tuna with mayonnaise, grate some cheddar, then but ketchup, HP bbq sauce and French's mustard on it. All in a tortilla wrap thing. That shit take like 5 minutes to make, it's what i have on my lunch break (I live like 5 minutes walk from where i work)
a tin of hideous macaroni cheese, poured into a semi-washed pan still encrusted with 2 day old instant noodles, heated up on a hexi stove

In the rain

Cheaper than a festival burger i guess
Scallops with cauliflower and salad of watercress and truffle.

Wrap a beetroot in foil, place in the oven at 180c for an hour.

Clean your watercress.

15 mins before beetroot comes out:

Cut off florets of cauliflower into small pieces and bring to the boil in some full cream milk and simmer for 5 mins.

Strain off cauliflower and reserve milk. Place into blender and purée slowly adding milk until a creamy consistency is obtained. Strain into a clean pot and keep warm. Whisk in some unsalted butter neorealism (edit: autospell corrected 'just before' to neorealism?) serving and season to taste.

Clean blender and mash beetroot to a grainy consistency. Push through sieve into a clean pot and keep warm.

Trim watercress into inch long stems. Heat non stick pan over med-high heat. Season scallops and sautee in pan 30secs each side. Add a knob of unsalted butter and baste after turning.

Smear beetroot onto plate. Place smears of cauliflower purée onto plate. Place scallops around empty spaces of plate. Lightly place watercress over plate in a thin layer over everything. Freshly shave truffles with a slicer and then lightly dress with olive oil.

One large rack of ribs, marinated for 48 hours in a mixture of Jack Daniels Spicy BBQ sauce, ASDA Extra Special Sticky BBQ Marinade, Chilli Powder, Minced Garlic, Everglades Heat (you americans know how to make spicy shit!!)

Wrapped in tin foil

Cooked on 190 Degrees Celcius for 45mins to an hour


I gotta say it was my lass who mixed the marinade though, she's a damn whizz with mixing up stuff like that...

One large rack of ribs, marinated for 48 hours in a mixture of Jack Daniels Spicy BBQ sauce, ASDA Extra Special Sticky BBQ Marinade, Chilli Powder, Minced Garlic, Everglades Heat (you americans know how to make spicy shit!!)

Wrapped in tin foil

Cooked on 190 Degrees Celcius for 45mins to an hour


I gotta say it was my lass who mixed the marinade though, she's a damn whizz with mixing up stuff like that...

:loco: sounds so nice...if I wasn't a vegetarian
Simple solution: Become a vegetarianarian. Anyone who would confront you on the moral or health issues of meat will just think that you have a stutter.
