wesjaques said:
average listning time at the station per person is about 20 minutes and im completly cool with that but the rotation actually last almost 4 hours so what would make you listen longer there is a ton of great music and monologues what would make you stay longer?
Well, I have been listening to Rapture now for several occasions... Really a good initiative and something I have been missing! But there are some things preventing me from listening more than i do...
- First of all. 4 hours of music is ok, but not even nearly enough imo. The first 4 times i played Rapture Radio, I heard "Caught in a web" all 4 times, "Tyrants" 3 times and "Kneel to the Cross" 3 times... With several thousands of songs the station would be to much more use for me!
- I also think the genres vary too much for my taste... I know, there wouldn't be many listeners if the music was narrowed down to perhaps only "black-death"-radio, but like someone else mentions I think NU-metal is VERY out of place (power metal too... you asked for it

I saw this station as an opportunity to get to know new bands, and I could see that many of the bands played were exactly my taste, so I thought I might find some new stuff. Well, there ain't that much underground music in the playlist, so everytime a song is played that fits my taste (black, death, doom, viking, gothic, pagan, folk etc...) then it's a song I already have in my record collection. And then I might as well start a mega-shuffle on my computer... More underground music would definately be appreciated by me!
- Lastly, I don't really care about the monologues (sorry)... Ok, I don't mind them, but tend to hit the mute button and switch to CD-player, when listening to a 10 minute monologue...
This was not supposed to be an all negative reply

Just some thoughts on how to improve the station, because I will definately not leave now! Looking very much forward to future improvements!!!