What's been poisoning your mind lately?

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
It could be anything. Music, TV, movies, books, hobbies.

Well, what's been poisoning my mind?

Movies: Ronin, Perfect Storm, Requiem for a Dream, Fight Club

Music: Soilwork- Natural Born Chaos, Nevermore- PoE, Testament- The Gathering, Tool- Aenema, Amon Amarth- The Avenger, Iced Earth- Dark Genesis, Meshuggah- Destroy Erase Improve

TV: 24(when it was on), Saturday Night Live, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, LOUD

Books- Fight Club

Hobbies- Wrestling, grappling
Oh,Famous Amos,are you talking about the incident in Westminster....?I still can't believe that really happened to you...Of all of the ppl to see...........:lol: :lol: :lol: *dies laughing*
As for what's been poisining my mind-phone conversations with a friend of mine who I despise and who will not leave me alone.All of her pointless conversation and drivel makes my want to kill something...Talking w/this person (who shall be un-named but you'd probobly figure out her name if you read my most recent comments on "The Learning" thread of mine)is serious poison.She'll rot your fucking mind.
...the realization that words come so easy out of people, and these words are most of the time stripped of meaning. Do not ever make the mistake to think that since you validate your words before saying something, the other person will act in the same way. This should keep you safe from a lot of mental anguish and harm
Movies - \m/ Rock Star \m/

Music - Vanishing Point - Tangled In Dream, Stabbing Westward - Self Titled, Katatonia - Last Fair Deal Gone Down

TV - Frasier

Books - None

Hobbies - Just finished exams, so that results in bongs. Lots and lots of bongs.

Musically - Within Temptation, Nevermore, Sodom, Mesh, Apoptygma Berzerk, Wumpscut, Ozzy, Priest, the new Halford.

movies - Night of the Bloody Apes (fuckin pathetic!!)

Books - Nietzsche - Portable Nietzsche, Spider-Man back issues
I've dropped stupid $$ on, Lady Death, Sojourn.

TV - Cheers, Three's Company, Leave It To Beaver, Spider-Man
60's cartoons, Crazy police home videos/chases/muggings

School, work, friends, poetry...all of the things that make me happy.

Fuckin Halmark oughta get me in on their program....