What's changed your life recently (for the better)

Talking to certain people has made me a lot happier lately.

And music has lately been making me realise the future can be happy :grin:

In a weird way, though, one thing has added some positive to life - the purchase of our new car back in February - a PT Cruiser. Since we purchased the car, we've gone to various PT Cruiser events, including a 4-day jaunt to Niagara Falls. I never knew there was such a cliche with PT Cruiser owners, but we've enjoyed these events nonetheless - and enjoyed them as a family which I think is cool. I wasn't expecting my kids to like going to "car shows", but they do. And, I have never been a car person before, but I'm turning into one. I've been modifying this car for a while, and that's been enjoyable.

Ha, my dad is a huge carperson, he has so many fucking cars it's sad. But he hosts car cruises like that, i've been to a few... it's mildly entertaining, I just never got too much into the car thing. But my point, anyways, was at this one cruise, I saw like EIGHT PT cruisers all parked next to each other, and they were all modified and stuff, it was pretty funny/cool.
I don't whine so much

The guy who abandoned me called me and groveled for an hour, spending three more hours after that telling me how wonderful I am

I'm learning to drive

I've got a bass and amp

I've lost weight, thusly I have more energy and more time for another things as I don't eat when I'm bored anymore

I feel like I'm finally happy with who I am. My total package is satisfactory now.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow

hes been reading ur posts on sex, hes realzing hes missing out and wants in ur pants.

God I hope he's not reading any of my posts. I really don't want anyone from my real life to read my posts here. I'm just a little more open here than in real life, and they might read something I didn't want them to know.

Sort of the way I don't want this guy to know about the effect he has on me. Could be dangerous. :eek:
I'd say the biggest change i have had is that I, (within the past 6 months), have discovered that this "love" thing that people talk about is, in fact, real. Not only is it real, but it is better than I thought it would be. It is interesting to notice, however, that most of the people who claim to be in love don't even know what love is.
Im sorry jayde for being a dick you, Ive just been realy cynical lately...but yes watch out this creep doesnt try the funnys tuff on you, DONT LET A GUY LIE HIS WAY INTO UR PANTS..let him buy u alot of stuff first ;)
I finally bought an electric guitar and amp and it's made me unbelievably happier. I strum away for hours and hours in absolute serenity nowadays. Now all I need to do is move to Norway and start a black metal band! (yeah right heh heh)
Originally posted by nevershine
Same here... I'm getting her back though. Even if I have to kill myself!!! :mad: ...no. that wasn't right was it?
Well, I bet you won't increase your chances much if you kill yourself... :)
For me it's a soothing thought that we'll soon be able to breath while rehearsing...:grin:
Originally posted by Downfall
For me it's a soothing thought that we'll soon be able to breath while rehearsing...:grin:

I think I won't be able to breathe until my affairs with ms. T are in someway going to the right direction... :cry: But still the thing with the training facilities(is that a word?) is great!

Originally posted by Windom Pearl
Yes, but ...

In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
In heaven everything is fine
You got your good things and I got mine


I just can't stop loving you guys! :p
Originally posted by nevershine
I prefer training in a facility if the other choice would be a pad...
I like facility better too, you lose WP! :lol:

Seriously, I think it should be called plain 'room', but it sounds stupid...