Love is very hard to I'd describe it is like lava. Its a very intense, slow moving feeling that brings great warmth to the heart, before cooling, moving slower, and finally solidfying into a beautiful statue that cannot be destroyed by anything. True love is permanent, and knows not distance or time. My best friend is from Iran, and I've never met him personally, but we both connect on so many different levels that there is a special bond between us regardless of politics or any other type of distance. With family, it is a permanent thing, and we'll always have the spirit of those departed from us along side all ofAs for the girlfriend that I currently don't have, I could love her if she were in Mongolia, and I only saw her occasionally. The love you feel from God, or whatever you want to call the universal spirit that we constantly share existence with is also a true love, and every time you feel it, it brings great warmth to your heart. THAT, my friends, is what true love is. But what do I know? I'm just a peasant!