Whats my studio missing???


Jun 6, 2007
SOOOOoooooo i just cashed in my shoebox full of coins under my bed and it added up to 530 yo yo,s which i was like :OMG: and then :rock:

So now i have a bit of extra cash to spend on some studio upgrades im looking for your advise on what to go for here is the current list

Equipment List

Microphones :
- Audix
D6 x 1
D4 x 1
D2 x 2
I5 x 1

- Shure
SM57 x 1
SM7B x 1

ATM-450 x 2

MC 930 x 2

Audio Interface and Pres :
- Focusrite saffire pro 26
- Presonus Digimax LT
- Behringer ADA 8000
- EMU 0404
- Line 6 ux1 toneport

Monitors :
- Yamaha HS50M
- AKG K271 Headphones

Backline :
- Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier 2 channel version
- Engl Powerball 100 watt all valve guitar amp head
- Engl standard 4 x 12 guitar cabinet load with celestion gt75 and vintage 30 speakers
- Mesa oversized rectifier 4x12 guitar cabinet loaded with vintage 30 speakers
- Peavey Ultra 120 watt all valve guitar amp head
- Laney Gh100L 100 watt all valve Guitar amp head
- Ibanez Sz 4020FM prestige loaded with EMG85 in the bridge and EMG81 in the neck
- Yamaha AES620 guitar
- ISP Decemator
- Maxon Od808
- MXR 6 band eq pedal
- Countryman type 85 D.I
- BSS A133 active D.I
- Original John Cuniberti Reamp V.2.
- Pearl export drum kit
- Vic Firth Isolation Headphones for drummers
- DDrum Trigger Acoustic Pro Set
- TC Electronic G-Sharp

Computer :
- Overclocked Quad core tower 3.4GHZ, 4 gig ram, Multiple TB's of storage on multiple 7200rpm Hard drives
- Custom ADK audio laptop
- External e-sata hard drive
- Steinberg Cubase 4
- Reaper
- Lots of plugs
- Focusrite Liquid Mix
- Melodyne
- Superior Drummer 2.0
- Steven Slate Drums 3.0

The items currently on my hit list are

- A LDC for vocals specifically the At 4040
- Another 22" monitor and a new graphics card to run a dual screen setup
- As im geting more in to electronic music lately im GASing hard for omnisphere anyone have any other recommendations for virtual instruments for electronic music production??
- Room treatment (But i reckon i can do this pretty cheap so i could swing this and one of the other items)
- Some extra tom mics for when im tracking large drum kits like a couple of 604's or something
- A better kick mic for rock orientated stuff like a beta 52 or something

Anyways what do you guys think??
sm91 for kick drum is pretty cool
also more 57's and 421's! :)
5150 someday
marshall jcm800 someday!

I suggest you should go for : a Sennheiser MD421, a Royer-121, more 57s, trade the Powerball with a Savage, the Ultra with a 6505 (or XXX), the Laney with a Jcm800, an Ampeg SVT, a Tech21 Bass Driver or Psa1, maybe a Revolution, a Twin Reverb or a Jazz Chorus, a Marshall Cab with Vintage 30s... Your list is already great, so I think that all these things would be really good upgrades.
toaster oven
some porn literature
pinball machine
golf putting practice mat, and 1 putter
5x slab of Coopers best extra stout, oh, that reminds me ............
endless supply of bacon
toilet paper
swiss army knife
some porn literature
dart board, and 1x set of darts
comfy as fuck couch
some porn liturature
mandantory SLAYER posters
bonsai tree
deep fryer
glenn 20
rubbish bin
air conditioner
some porn literature
spare jocks
an array of seafood
1x dvd (or blueray) of THIS IS SPINAL TAP
50 inch hd plasma
some porn literature
golf and street machine magazines
mogami cables
peavey xxx
hbe gary holt doomsday device
17kg of jelly beans
ping pong table
some porn literature
2 decks of cards
6 die
fish and fishtank
1x viscious dog
deep heat
some porn literature
toe nail clippers
some porn literature
Andy Sneap ..................................

And if its not all there, I will go elsewhere!:hotjump:
Cool idea with the sub never thought of that:worship:

Yea md 421 is on the gas list for a while bit pricey though same with the r121 but more 57's is a definite runner.

Would love to trade or sell the powerball at the moment also as im sick of it for recording but it is great for live so i do get my use out of it i guess.

On the 6505 thing i have access to one whenever i need it (its currently sitting in my living room) as the other guitarist in our band has one and same with the sansamp bass driver. I also have access to a ampeg 4x10 and ampeg svt pro head whever i need it so im fairly well covered on the backline front although it never hurts to have more lol

Keep the suggestions coming:kickass:
toaster oven
some porn literature
pinball machine
golf putting practice mat, and 1 putter
5x slab of Coopers best extra stout, oh, that reminds me ............
endless supply of bacon
toilet paper
swiss army knife
some porn literature
dart board, and 1x set of darts
comfy as fuck couch
some porn liturature
mandantory SLAYER posters
bonsai tree
deep fryer
glenn 20
rubbish bin
air conditioner
some porn literature
spare jocks
an array of seafood
1x dvd (or blueray) of THIS IS SPINAL TAP
50 inch hd plasma
some porn literature
golf and street machine magazines
mogami cables
peavey xxx
hbe gary holt doomsday device
17kg of jelly beans
ping pong table
some porn literature
2 decks of cards
6 die
fish and fishtank
1x viscious dog
deep heat
some porn literature
toe nail clippers
some porn literature
Andy Sneap ..................................

And if its not all there, I will go elsewhere!:hotjump:

LOL i got the Porn covered anyways you can forget about the toilet paper though what do you think i am made of money. Gear before toilet paper always:Saint:
I would personally try to get a couple of good basses, maybe a Jazz and a Modulus or a Spector or something. Maybe grab a 5 or 6 string too.
More 57s would be key. Other mics mentioned (421, SM91 (although I prefer the beta), etc) would also be a good investment.
Try get hold of an original 509. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Pulled the trigger on a AT 4040 shipped for just over €200 probably have to pay some additional taxes when it arrives as its from the states:(

Thinking il head to builders providers on the weekend and pick up the materials for some d.i.y bass traps and hopefully il have enough cash left over for a lava lamp in argos:lol: