Micing a bass amp tips

d112 is really nice on bass, usually use that a 421 and a 57. The 421 normally makes the majority of the tone .
I'm not a studio genius but I remember listening to an Alex Webster interview, where he said that they had used an sm57 or sm58 to get the main tones, and also used a condenser (cant remember the name off hand) to get more of the twangy finger attack, and then it was blended into the mix with the sm57 and the di signal. I think it might have been in the "Evisceration Plague" studio video, actually.
Ok so did the first run through tonight used SM7 and D4 in the end, turns out my room sucks hard for tracking bass as when i turned up the amp i got lots of vibrations (joist floor didnt help) so i had to track at low volume and crank the preamp gain.

Here is how it turned out

1. Clean sound through Ampeg rig http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/749671/bass test/clean.mp3

2. Dirty sound through sansamp bddi pushing front of ampeg rig http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/749671/bass test/sansamp.mp3

3. Dirty sound through od 808 into mesa dual rec into ampeg 4x10 http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/749671/bass test/mesa.mp3

4. Dirty sound through 0d 808 into Engl Powerball into ampeg 4x10
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/749671/bass test/powerball.mp3

All the above are a 50/50 mix of raw SM7 & D4 how are they sounding to your ears??
Dude stick with the DI and Sans Amp.. just so much clearer.. it's no nonsense.. just need a good man at the helm to mix that badboy! :)