What's the funniest thing you've ever seen?

The funniest thing I ever seen was either an episode of Viva La Bam or some footage of COB when they were drunk.

Wait... "The Fangirl" by I_AM_CANADIAN was pretty funny too !!! ... and I laughed so hard in the "you guys have no salsa" part of C&G
I have a few:

My brother was walking down our basement stairs and we have a ledge over top of the stairs...so he decides to jump for no apparent reason and hits his head off the ledge and falls the rest of the way down the stairs...

My two little cousins were having a grand old time catching sunfish at our cottage and seeing who could throw them the farthest into the air...so all you saw was fish flying through the air into the trees...

My cat started having a sneezing fit but he didnt know what the hell was going on so he got scared while he was sneezing and kept backing up into the walls and hitting his head off the chairlegs and stuff...he ran away after the sneezing fit and hid in my closet the rest of the day.

While camping in Kingston last summer, my cousin started laughing her ass off during breakfast for no reason and spat her whole mouthful of potato into my uncle's face...