what's the JIZZ?


disco my arse!
May 24, 2001
Belgrade, Serbia
Concerning the secret 'text' (more of a dialogue) beneath the CD holder of Viva Emptiness, that guys "jizz in girls' mouths". Any1 else noticed this? I have already posted a similar thread like this 1st weeks following Viva been released, but no1 noticed/understood the message....

methinks the dialogue reflects the album's ideology in a fine sense that every1/thing is so alienated in this world of today...(hint Future of Speech)

any opinions?
Err yes everyone has noticed that.

I seriously don't think there's a deeper meaning behind it like it represents ANYTHING. It just looks like an msn conversation that they decided to include behind the cd tray cause it would be funny.

I mean,when talking about male fluids,you can't really take it that seriously. Much less include or connect it to the criminal theme/feel of Viva Emptiness.

Plus some wiseguy posted that dialogue to darklyrics so it's portrayed as the lyrics to Inside The City Of Glass now. Ok they've removed them it seems. Well they used to be there...good decision I'd say.
There is a deeper meaning...


Even if they don´t know :ill:
Yeah, I think I asked him about it at the seismic radio chat and he said it was just for fun basically.
if this album is not as "deep" as others, what DO they consider to be a "deep" album of theres? -can anyone answer that one with a mere interview reference? -consider that a challenge..