What's the one (or few) songs you recommend to someone when


Apr 24, 2006
they want to know who Nightwish is?

For me, I usually give Ghost Love Score, Nemo, or Phantom of the Opera...and sometimes Amaranth, even though I don't really like that song as much, just because most people love Annette's voice over Tarja's to start. Maybe Escapist

There's always this pressure of "oh no! What song should I pick! One song could make or break their love!"


PS - Going to see Nightwish tonight in Denver! So excited! Yeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Creek Mary's Blood
She is my Sin
Come Cover Me
I Want my Tears Back
Last Ride of the Day
I always go with Dark Chest of Wonders. I think that song was (I don't know now that Imaginaerum is out) always the one I'd go to in that situation. I think it encompasses some of the best qualities of NW - and it's not TOO long for some people to have as a first listen. It doesn't show their softer side, but it perfectly shows their big sounds coupled with the symphonic element well!!
Wow, you guys are picking ones I wouldn't think of giving out. I think anything before Century Child is just too...metal for non metalheads, and Dark Chest of Wonders is too heavy as well.

I think I'm going to forward Last Ride of the Day and Nemo to a co-worker. They like alternative. bleh.

And then my other dilemma - do I send a link to a studio quality sound, or the End of Era concert footage with pretty good sound...so they can see how great they are and the energy in that arena?

I've never been successful at converting someone to Nightwish, so maybe I don't know the right songs.

Let me see...the last time I tried converting someone was when my friend took me to a Nightwish show in '07. Since he was not a metalhead and more into country music, I tried "Eva" since it was more mellow and he probably would be put off by the heavier stuff.

I think it depends on the kind of person you're asking to listen...if it's someone who's not as much into metal or rock music, then try a mellower track. I would probably go with something from Anette-era too, as her voice is more "accessible", and I know a lot of people are turned off by Tarja's vocals (I can't tell you how many times I have heard "the music is great, but this singer just doesn't fit with them!"). If it's someone you know who is one of those "troo" metalheads, then I'd pick something like "Master Passion Greed" or "Slaying the Dreamer" right off the bat, as I have also heard that from a lot of metalheads too ("I don't know why they're called a metal band, they're not heavy enough!"). If it's someone who is more of a rock sensibility and not too familiar with metal, then I'd try something more "middle of the road", like "Dark Chest of Wonders" (what Desi recommended) or their "hits" like "Nemo", "Amaranth", or "Bye Bye Beautiful". And for those folks you know who are into more avant-garde or experimental things, hit them with something like "Sleepwalker" or "Lagoon".

But as I've said, I have never had any luck converting anyone to Nightwish, so I am probably not a good person to listen to. :lol:
The best I ever get is "wow, they're cool.." but there is never any follow up. I've only successfully brought in two other people to Nightwish out of LOTS.

Well the co-worker I gave it to thought Tarja had a pretty voice, and they were cool, but that's about it. No new Oceansouls member today. lol

I'd go with Dark Chest of Wonders, Sahara, Escapist, Creek Mary's Blood, and those wonderful Birdies. :D
^I agree about "Birdie", that is an excellent middle-of-the-road song to play for anyone, regardless of what musical genre they like.

The best I ever get is "wow, they're cool.." but there is never any follow up. I've only successfully brought in two other people to Nightwish out of LOTS.

I hear you there; I've never been able to play their music for someone and have them become a fan. The closest I came was when I sent a mix CD of various songs to our local radio station's morning DJ, and he started to play Nightwish every morning before his show would officially start. Like his "pre-show" music, I guess.
Man it has been so long since I have shown anyone Nightwish, when you run with metal heads everyone knows who they are, not everyone loves them, but they have all heard them. Back when I was in college I got both of my roommates into them, but that is because I played them constantly. I was also living in a house with 45 other girls we all had chores my favorite chore to get was the showers I would clean them once a week and play Century Child or Once while doing it, I had lots of girls ask be about the band, don't think anyone became converts. When I worked at a really laid back coffee shop Creek Mary's Blood was always a favorite among customers. In high school my drama club stumbled upon Phantom of the Opera (sadly I did not show it to them though). I haven't tried to convert anyone in ages so I don't know what I would pick now.