What's up with Gwar?

stonedlamb said:
I've been really curious to go see this band for a long time but I never do. I know they have an outrageous show........but are they any good musically? Has anyone ever seen them?
Seen them a long time ago, back in 1996. They were fucking awesome as far as I remember, though we were a group of highschool burnouts. I stood at the very front, pinned to the metal rail with a monstrous pit going on 2 feet behind my back. I got drenched in every bit of that shit that they throw/piss/vomit out, even got pussy-bled-on by Symenstra Hymen - it was fucking great! Definitely worth the time.
average stalker said:
they have a couple good songs, but their live show is awesome. anytime gwar plays near me i go. wear a white shirt and go upfront so you get soaked.

I'm 45 years old dude, my days of wanting to get shit and pissed on are long gone :lol: I'll stay further back if I do go.
The live show is great. Even if the music is lame you are too busy watching the show and getting sprayed with bloody cum from a monster faced cock! As horrible as it sounds it's alot of fun. They kill alot of famous people on stage and fight dinosaur robots as well!
My boyfriend likes to go to their shows for the entertainment. He once went to school the next day, still covered in the fake blood.
stonedlamb said:
I've been really curious to go see this band for a long time but I never do. I know they have an outrageous show........but are they any good musically? Has anyone ever seen them?

Musically, they are one of the most boring, mundane, most uninteresting metal bands I have ever heard. Add to that an incredibly corny and "wacky" stage show, and I would rather poke my eye out with a stick than pay money to see them again.

Isn't Gwar on some kind of Headbanger's Ball tour with In Flames, Cannibal Corpse and I can't remember who else?
The show is obviously one of a kind, and should be seen by everyone at least once.

Their Cd's have some really good songs - but live, I think they suck musically. I couldn't hear a damn thing they were playing.
Thanks to all for the info. :headbang: So now I know that basically they suck musically but you can get shit on, pissed on and bled on if you really want to. :puke: I'm a VERY curious person so I probably will go see them once (I also have a very sick sense of humor). What I don't understand though is they sound more like a Broadway show or something. How is it that they are so popular, I mean they always tour and sell records. Are there that many sick fucks in this world? :lol: .................STUPID QUESTION ALERT:err:
GWAR fucking rocks. The live show is awesome. It's one of those things you gotta live to enjoy. I've seen 'em 3 times, got covored in fake blood. I enjoy all their albums. IMO, Scumdogs, America Must Be Destroyed, Violence Has Arrived and War Party are standouts.
Susperia said:
My boyfriend likes to go to their shows for the entertainment. He once went to school the next day, still covered in the fake blood.

I heard the boffins down at the lab have invented "soap".