What's up with the Freaking Drum solos !??!?


Black Belt in Sarcasm
May 2, 2002
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(Apologies to any drummers reading this)

I called Gamma Ray out on this two years ago, so I have to be consistent.

Is there anything more mind-numbing, more tiring, more soul-draining, than a long, drawn out drum solo? You know how it goes:

Bang bang bang
Stand Up
Look at audience
Wave sticks
Sit down
Bang bang bang
Repeat ad naseum

Edguy had such a high energy set, and I'm a big fan (of Gamma Ray too), but those solos just sap so much life out of me.

In Steve's world, a drum solo lasts 30-45 seconds as an extended lead in to the next song. These 5 minute bore fests are just plain annoying!

Steve in Philly
Meh I dont mind drum solos. The problem I have is power metal drummers doing solos, typical power metal songs are fast and driving after a set of that I dont need to hear a solo. I guess its the only excuse for a power metal drummers to play their toms haha.


Your post was deleted. I have no problem with anyone giving an opinion or constructive criticism. However, your continued childish insults towards bands that have performed for me has gotten you within an inch of being banned from this forum.

This is my house and you are invited guest.

Glenn H.
I don't knock the guys that can do it - they're amazing. I just think those long solos really interrupt the flow of the performance.

Steve in Philly
I think sometimes they are too long and can get boring, especially when they start doing the back-and-forth bit with the audience. That said, I did get a kick out of the "Empire" portion of the drum solo. :)
I love them when they are interesting. Who cares? How about positive things, like a kickass festival!

I myself laughed at the Imperial Death March thingy done during Edguy's performance. I don't mind them, I find them entertaining and interesting. They can go on too long, but to be too long for me, it'll have to be over like... 2 minutes or so. Just as long as it's done well.

Edit: My reason for laughing was that I thought the idea was hilarious... Not saying I laughed at it being pitiful or something.
I wasnt too excited about Edguys drum solo this year, although Felix did spice it up a bit with the Star Wars theme. Mike Terrana's last year though has been the only drum solo that I really dug. I prefer guitar solos (not Dream Theater guitar solos, but like what Angra did at III) and that bass / guitar solo that led into The Piper Never Dies, now THAT was awesome.

I like drum and guitar solos, but I think they need to be short ones. What I prefer as opposed to a drum and guitar solo though, is during the band member introductions, the members give 30 seconds or so of their best licks.

Bryant said:
I like drum and guitar solos, but I think they need to be short ones. What I prefer as opposed to a drum and guitar solo though, is during the band member introductions, the members give 30 seconds or so of their best licks.

I completely agree with you, Bryant. It's cool that these guys are so talented, but I'd prefer to see it in a full song. Having said that, I'll agree with the posts above that Mike Terrana's solo was probably the coolest thing I've seen in a long while. :)

Eh, I imagine Edguy's solo was just a fun way to give the rest of the guys a short break.

I'm not in a band, but I did over hear many of the bands talking this year about there set list. Many of them had very demanding songs one right after the other.

I have no problem watching a drum solo that is funny like the star wars one if that is what the band needs to continue with the rest of a great set.

These guys arn't machines, they can't just do one heavy hitting song one after another with out some loss in quality.

The only way they get a break is if they use up a song slot for a soft ballad or if one guy bites the bullet for the other guys and does a solo. And lets be honest, did any of you really want to lose one of those great Edguy songs for a ballad?
I like to listen to well-constructed songs, and while there's certainly a place for individual musicians to show off their skills, I'd rather hear it as a small part within the context of a song. The parts I enjoy the most are where the whole band are involved in creating an interwoven texture. I find extended solos by anyone a bit boring.
Bryant said:
I like drum and guitar solos, but I think they need to be short ones. What I prefer as opposed to a drum and guitar solo though, is during the band member introductions, the members give 30 seconds or so of their best licks.
Yeah, the Into Eternity guys sorta did that, sans the introductions.... during one song, they each stepped forward a bit in the mix (and intensity) and played hard. Nice way to sneak in some fun playin', without the formality of a long solo (drum, guitar, bass or otherwise).
DarkOne said:
Is there anything more mind-numbing, more tiring, more soul-draining, than a long, drawn out drum solo? You know how it goes:
Not if its Neil Peart - the only guy you can see people grooving and even 'dancing' during his solos. Its not your typical "look how fast I can play - my hands are blurring with speed!" drum solo - there's actual substance to it.

I liked the Imperial March thing this weekend but in a format like Prog Power, I definitely do see the question about using the valuable time in your slot for something like this.
IronPlant said:
Eh, I imagine Edguy's solo was just a fun way to give the rest of the guys a short break.

I'm not in a band, but I did over hear many of the bands talking this year about there set list. Many of them had very demanding songs one right after the other.

I have no problem watching a drum solo that is funny like the star wars one if that is what the band needs to continue with the rest of a great set.

These guys arn't machines, they can't just do one heavy hitting song one after another with out some loss in quality.

The only way they get a break is if they use up a song slot for a soft ballad or if one guy bites the bullet for the other guys and does a solo. And lets be honest, did any of you really want to lose one of those great Edguy songs for a ballad?

Pros shouldn't need a break. I'm serious. We can play an hour and a half without a break and without slowing down. It certainly takes stamina, especially under thousands of watts of lights! I have friends who are in a cover band (80's era hard rock) and play 3 hour and a half sets with a 20 min. break between the two sets and even their vocalist stays spot on.

If I (in a nobody band) can do it in front of 150 people, the pros should certainly be able to do it for 1500.

Man, do I sound bitter!? ;)
I like em, if they're short. The way I see it, most of the music is complex enough that it's kinda like a drum solo (in parts) during each song. We know they can play. The only other reason I can think of is just to give the other guys in the band a quick water break or something, I dunno.
IronPlant said:
I have no problem watching a drum solo that is funny like the star wars one if that is what the band needs to continue with the rest of a great set.
The Star Wars part was cool. I did enjoy that. My favorite Star Wars solos are the duels that Mike Romeo and Mike LePond from Symphony X have done in the past. I don't remember if they did that at one of their PP shows, though...
