What's with the name change??? Which was better?

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May 16, 2004
Until recently I was dumbfounded by this sudden "new" member, Gallantry over Docility (or whatever the heck it is) who was suddenly posting but was registered 3 years ago... and I'd never seen him before. Then it dawned on me... GoD. Call me stupid heh.

Why'd you change your name GoD?

Which do you think was better guys?

Personally I think even though the old was was abit cliched (dunno how to do the accent)... it didnt sound quite as ahem... gay (no offence ;)) as the new one.

Discuss people :hotjump:
Fucking pointless thread. Who gives half a hairy flying left handed fuck? I could care less if he changes his name to The Farie Princess of Gondor.
That was partly my intention. :D I decided to go for something pretentious but keeping the same initials. There was no underlying reason though, just seemed like a good idea one boring night.

I'll close this now. ;)
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