What's wrong with new metallica?


Apr 14, 2008
I'm a Lightning, Puppets, Justics guy, but I was listening to the new Metallica single today on the radio, and I just couldn't figure it out what was wrong with it. Something was just not right, but I couldn't pin point it. It lacks something big time. It almost sounds like they are trying to be metal but just don't have it in them so they fake it. I know some of you love ALL Metallica, and won't liek me to compare it to the old stuff, but what happened? This new song about Love is a 4 letter word, where's the melody line? Did they forget how to write lead riffs?

This is not a slag on Metallica, but, I would be interested if any of you are feeling what I'm saying.

For instance, lets take the last Maiden album. I love the old Maiden, but I thought the last one was superb. Different, but an excellent piece of work. So I am ok with change.

I don't know. Something about Metallica after Justice just strikes me as odd.

The first song they released "The Day That Never Comes" (did I get that right?) sounds like a mish mash of old metallica put together in a lazy way. The track doesn't even sound finished. The begining is too long and it gets boring very quickly.

The new track, My Apocalypse has some of that great Metallica in there. You can tell Rick Rubin is trying to channel Slayer on that track. I dug that. I hope there's more like that on the record. I might actually be excited about this 'Tallica record for a change.

This is the direction Metallica have been heading in for years....since the black album to be honest

The reason? They are all older and Hetfield has admitted the new album is the first one where he is completely sober.

Theres a lot of clues to why metallica are the way they are now in Some kind of monster. If the band had to go through therapy to resolve their issues then theres a huge underlying problem. Something is missing, something that used to be there.

I havent seen or listened to Metallica since 1997 (when i saw them headline the Reading Festival) and 80% of the crowd were bored and disinterested.
But this direction they went in I find odd. For one, they rarely have hit songs anymore, so it isn't like they are trying to be like U2 where every album has lots of singles. Its like they are faking it or something. I mean, it rocks, but its lacking something big time. I can't describe it, but its kind of weird. Its liek they are trying to do something that doesn't quite get pulled off.

You listen to the song Master of Puppets, and yeah, ok, we may all be burnt out on it, but it flows well as a song. good melody lines and it flows nice. This new song, its like they tried ot make different parts, but it just doesn't come off right.
All bands change with age.

Creativity dies down.....or in some cases increases.

I think the strain on the personal relationships within the band account for a lot.

Metallica are no longer the young upstarts with a point to prove. they proved it and have released several shite albums, since proving they could get a mainstream breakthrough (the black album).

I guess its just a case of themgoing through the motions, perhaps they too are looking for the lost ideal/influence/ray of hope.
Hetfield has become a bit of a knob recently too, Lars always was and I think what the band collectively did to Jason Newstead was unbelievable. They claim to have lost their ego's, sorry but they are getting as oddball as Axl Rose and sooner or later Metallica are going to implode. They may have one more album at best.
I never heard what happened To Newsted.

The way I see it, is that back in the day they were poor heshers who were living the metal life. They were probably doing lots of drugs, my guess Speed and my guess smoking lots of bad Mexi Buds(What we would call the crappy weed from Mexico). Their music poured out of their anger and hesherness. Now they are rich yuppies who think that people should go to jail for not spending $20 on a CD, and they try to appeal to heshers, but they are no longer heshers themselves. So now, as they go on stage to appear to be these Metalheads all hard and rough, they really just woke up from their 6 Star hotel and had breakfast on a golden plate and live in Mansions galore.
Said it before and I'll say it again: Metallica died with Cliff on that road in Sweden. You don't go through something like that and come out the same person.

Plus, their hunger is gone. In 1982-83-84 they were young, starving and ready to take on the world. Today they are middle-aged men with families, ex-wives and more money than they could spend if they wanted to. They just aren't the same people.