Wrong Turn!

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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ANYONE SEE THIS FLICK YET? man i loved it! Mutant redneck hunters....... that just sounds fun dont it? i didnt like the actors and actresses in it, seemed to "i know what you did last summer" sissy shit! But the Hillbillies from hell were kick ass, i liked the sounds they made too, ok now that everone thinks i need help i'll leave you with that...check it out!
I hated every single inch of it... formulaic all the way to the end. The scares were only minor jolts... Although the make-up effects were pretty cool, there was nothing new added to the horror genre by the release of this crappy flick...

It was the poor-man's Deliverance meets Evil Dead meets the Texas Chainsaw Massacre... a splatter of a bunch of movies, does not necessarily make it a good one

I bloody paid full price for this movie and still pissed about it... thanks for bringing bad memories back ;)

Want better horror...???

Check out 28 Days Later, Suicide Circle, The Eye, Ringu, Cabin Fever, The Others, Bubba Ho-Tep (for dark-comedy-horror-mummy-meets-Elvis movie) and Willard... to name a few... :)

*hides in the corner*
28 Days Later is the first foray into Horror (if you can really call it that) by Trainspotting director Danny Boyle... a very dark, grainy look at the end of the world...
Suicide Circle is another Japanese horror fest with one intensely gory opening scene where 50 school girls jump in front of a train...
The Eye is from Singapore. Interesting ghost story about a blind girl who undergoes an experimental corneal transplant. She recovers her sight, but does begin to see things that are not too friendly... apparently this was based on a true story about a blind girl that recovered her sight because of a similar surgery who ended up committing suicide...
Ringu is the original Japanese movie in which The Ring was based... creepier and scarier than the American version...
Cabin Fever was a lot of fun. A tongue-in-cheek homage to old-school horror... Very funny, but not as good as the movies that it is trying to be...
Bubba Ho-Tep: The best redemptive Elvis mummy picture EVER!
Willard: Crispin Glover RULES... 'nuff said
Keyser, I didn't know you were into Asian movies also! Very cool!
Off the top of my head, I have the folllowing on DVD:

Ringu 0,1, 2, Rasen, and Virus (Korean remake)
Dark Water
The Eye
Suicide Circle
St. John's Wort
Battle Royale
Ichi the Killer
Kairo (Pulse)
Dead or Alive 1, 2, 3
My Sassy Girl
Shaolin Soccer
God of Cookery
As well as a good assortment of martial arts and anime.

As far as Wrong Turn goes, even though it was heavilly influenced by other horror movies, I really liked it because I though every aspect of the movie was well done (as opposed to so many of the Direct-to-Video B Horror Movies I have suffered through)... also, I like Eliza Dushku ;)
Wrong Turn's sole redemption is Eliza DDushku (that's not a typo) running around in a tight wife beater t-shirt.

I've got Versus. Found it at Amoeba. Awesome disc. Battle Royale is coming. I'm a little nervous about Ichi the Killer. I mean, shit, have you seen that trailer? They lost me when that girl had her nipples sliced off.

Now anime is fun. Cowboy Bebop or Witch Hunter Robin, anyone?
Wrong Turn's sole redemption is Eliza DDushku (that's not a typo) running around in a tight wife beater t-shirt.

It's too bad Eliza didn't do the Faith Buffy-spinoff, but I guess she was already commited to the other new series that she is in.

I'm a little nervous about Ichi the Killer. I mean, shit, have you seen that trailer? They lost me when that girl had her nipples sliced off.

Yeah, "Ichi the Killer" is a bit too much in the degrading gore/bad taste violence department (although it was based on a manga that was just as violent) for me. I picked it up because I liked Takashi Miike's "Audition", and because everyone was raving about Ichi on The Ringworld Forum. If I could do it over again, I would have just rented it; it's not my cup of tea. Even though "Kill Bill: Vol. 1" was ultra violent, there is definitely a difference between these two movies.

Now anime is fun. Cowboy Bebop or Witch Hunter Robin, anyone?

I find most anime interesting, but my absolute favorite is Rurouni Kenshin.

Since we are nearing the holiday season, we can expect a lot of great movies/series coming to DVD. This week, I picked up Wrong Turn, The Texas Chainsaw Masscre: Special Edition, and The John Carpenter Collection (with They Live). Next week, 28 Days Later, Dark Angel Season 2, and the complete Battlestar Galatica collection (all 24 epsiodes) will be out, woo-hoo!
ive never seen any of these asian flix but you all got my interest up and i shall venture to see them.
i watched the 1978 version of Invasion of the body snatchers yesterday and WOW! did i enjoy it, you guys remember that one? anybody dig it?
shadow walker said:
ive never seen any of these asian flix but you all got my interest up and i shall venture to see them.
i watched the 1978 version of Invasion of the body snatchers yesterday and WOW! did i enjoy it, you guys remember that one? anybody dig it?

Yeah, the 1978 version was cool! I will catch part of it on a rerun every few years.

You can rent Ringu (the original version of The Ring). The Eye, and Audition in most Blockbuster Video stores. Those will give you a good feel for Asian horror.
Wraithchild said:
You can rent Ringu (the original version of The Ring). The Eye, and Audition in most Blockbuster Video stores. Those will give you a good feel for Asian horror.

One thing I hate is how the "UK/US" version of most Asian films cut out bits..which is why I probably have one of the largest Jackie Chan collections in the US on DVD.. almost all ordered from Hong Kong. I hate the cuts/edits they do for 'our' versions.. ugh.

Anywho, while it continues this off topic, I highly recomend Jackie's film "Miracles" aka Mr. Canton Lady Rose. a wonderful film, not horror, but good film.

Now, back to listening to the Queens College concert.. *sings along* cos I'm a Wrathchild.. yeah I'm wrathchild...

HobbesDawg said:
One thing I hate is how the "UK/US" version of most Asian films cut out bits..which is why I probably have one of the largest Jackie Chan collections in the US on DVD.. almost all ordered from Hong Kong. I hate the cuts/edits they do for 'our' versions.. ugh.

I totally agree. I also hate poor English overdubs and watch everything in the original language and English subtitles if available. It's too bad that Bruce Lee's original Cantonese movie dubs were lost. That is one of the reasons Enter the Dragon is my favorite Lee movie; it features Bruce's real voice.

Jackie Chan rocks! My two favorite movies of his is The Legend of Drunken Master and City Hunter. Unfortunately, I only have a Region 1 DVD player; so, many of my Asian films are Hong Kong DVDs that can be viewed on any DVD player.
Wraithchild said:
I totally agree. I also hate poor English overdubs and watch everything in the original language and English subtitles if available. It's too bad that Bruce Lee's original Cantonese movie dubs were lost. That is one of the reasons Enter the Dragon is my favorite Lee movie; it features Bruce's real voice.

Jackie Chan rocks! My two favorite movies of his is The Legend of Drunken Master and City Hunter. Unfortunately, I only have a Region 1 DVD player; so, many of my Asian films are Hong Kong DVDs that can be viewed on any DVD player.


Put in your name and model of your dvd player and look for a hack. My own DVD player is now regionless and also translates PAL to NTSC. BTW: majority of Chan films from Hong Kong are regionless...

Wraithchild said:
That is one of the reasons Enter the Dragon is my favorite Lee movie; it features Bruce's real voice.

Are you certain? Only reason I ask is 99.99999999999% of Hong Kong films back then were not dubed by the actors. The reason they can crank out films so cheep, so quickly, is they are never filmed with audio. All audio was added post-production, by folly artists and voice actors. So if it's his real voice tis a very very very very (etc.) thing :) Even Jackie didn't do his own dubs.

HobbesDawg said:

Put in your name and model of your dvd player and look for a hack. My own DVD player is now regionless and also translates PAL to NTSC. BTW: majority of Chan films from Hong Kong are regionless...

Hey -
This is off topic as well, but that seems to be the course of this thread.

Do you know of a place that does Laserdisc player mods?
HobbesDawg said:
Are you certain? Only reason I ask is 99.99999999999% of Hong Kong films back then were not dubed by the actors.

I am sure that "Enter the Dragon" contains Bruce Lee's real voice because it was a 100% American film done by Warner Brothers, as well as Lee's last fully completed film before he passed away.

As for his three previous films, I don't know if the orignals actually contained his voice (the war cries sound authentic). I have only watched the cheesy American dubbed versions in which Bruce Lee sounds like John Wayne.

I just read about The Big Boss, Fist Of Fury, Way Of The Dragon, and Game Of Death being released in a UK BRUCE LEE 30TH ANNIVERSARY COMMEMORATIVE 6 DVD BOX SET with uncut footage and in Cantonese. I will definitely have to pick that Region 2 set up and try, once again, to make my Panasonic DVD players region-free.

Here's the link for the Hong Kong Legends UK DVD store:

I checked around, and they were definitely the cheapest to order the Bruce Lee DVD set from (70 USD). Plus they throw in two more DVDs for free.