Wanna buy something for me for Christmas?!

So after working out my budget, I currently am making -$5 a month, and that's not even including the need to eat or shower. I could use some public handouts too.
You learn how to get by... that's what marks you as an adult Vs. a kid... Starting living on your own, paying rent, bills, insurance, keeping a job, and staying sane and above the water, is the hardest thing to do when you first leave your parents' nest. But you learn how to get by. Everyone does. Even if sometimes it means you'll have to skip meals, or eat a $1 worth dinner, or realize you can't just take a trip anywhere you want to, or make any plans that involve $$$.
That is exactly what is going to define you as an independent adult, and will push you forward to succeed even more. Those hard times are only TEMPORARY if you set your mind to the right goals. Stay sane, above the water, and learn how to get by and be even better at life. Set goals to get a better job, better salary, get promoted, push yourself harder, set goals for yourself based on those hard times and the reward will be even sweeter. Those hard times are a necessity for figuring out better life goals/ visions IMO.
Keep living, and remember, everyone is having a hard time, everyone is in debt, everyone could use help, and everyone........ is still getting by.
