Wanna buy something for me for Christmas?!

Hey Lynn, I do have a job. It's called trying to live on your own while making $13/hr and having quite a number of debt collectors and bills to pay off. I can't afford this shit

You make more than I'm sure a few others on the board do, me included. Learn to coupe, cut some things out, adapt. Stop complaining and take some fucking charge.
I am taking charge. Thank you for keeping my thread on top, by the way. It keeps it around for those that want to help instead of criticize. You don't know where my money is going or how much of it is going there. I'm not even able to buy Christmas presents for anyone or visit Laura until February. Don't you dare tell me that I'm not taking charge and that I'm being irresponsible, when you have no fucking clue. If you want me to take a picture of my fridge and cabinets, I'll be more than happy to do so.
Learn to coupe, Will. Don't sedan your way through life. Or something :loco:

I have no money either, but I hope your situation gets better soon!
It's not my position to make judgments about your financial situation, Will, but surely you agree that begging or guilting forum members to just buy you stuff out of the goodness of their hearts is anything but healthy, or advantageous to our perception of you? Don't have any real life friends who can front you some cash or something?
Indeed! It's lacking a bit of dignity, but I do hope you get your shit shorted and get your feet back on the ground and can be happy again!
I understand Will's intentions and motives, but I could never bring myself to actually make a thread like this or ask random people for help. I guess there's nothing wrong with it, I just can't get past the feeling that it's up to me to get myself out of whatever mess I get myself into. It's no one's responsibility but my own. It's that dignity thing Derek mentioned.

It didn't seem like begging to me either, but it did seem like desperation. I can't help but think that asking for people's help in these sorts of situations that are fairly typical for most is sort of like taking the easy way out of the problems you created for yourself. Does that make sense?
Alright Will, you're right, that was a little mean. I apologize.

These days the economy really does suck, and if anyone here can relate, I can. I owe tens of thousands of dollars in loans, maxed out credit, school loans... and that's on top of my out of the roof sized insurances, car repairs, property taxes, rent, utilities, 35% taxes coming off every paycheck (Canada's taxes suck) and only making $10 an hour. I just think that if you have a problem like that, you adjust your lifestyle. Move to a cheaper place, get a second job, refuse to eat out, cut your own hair, don't drink/smoke, etc. Small things add up.

So honestly man, I see minus $180 a month, even working 48 hours a week. I have to somehow scrounge up $180 every month just to break even. And that's not even including food.
I went to walmart earlier and bought some 1 dollar towels. I already have a lot of towels, so I'm not quite sure why I bought them. But I'm quite dry now, so it's all cool.
Did he call me Derick?
I did, I apologize. I generally take good pride in not fucking that up, but I guess simple mistakes can happen to the best of us. Can I send you a delicious hoppy American adult beverage to make up for it?!
Move to a cheaper place, get a second job, refuse to eat out, cut your own hair, don't drink/smoke, etc. Small things add up.

This is the cheapest place around, I've put in applications and nobody is hiring, I barely eat at all, I buzz my head, i have a case of beer that's just been sitting here, and i don't smoke.

I don't see why I should have shame when asking people for help. Yeah, everyone has money issues from time to time... That doesn't mean that people aren't willing to lend a hand to those people. People react differently to negative situations. I might have taken "the easy way out" with it, but what other way is there? Not having toilet paper and paper towels? I don't think that's an option.
I agree with Will here. He makes great music, this board would be completely different if he was never on it, he's a good man. He deserves help.

It's not like he's me, he didn't choose to throw his life away with drugs. Begging would be going out in the street holding up a sign. All he's doing is asking some of his more fortunate friends for help.