Whats your daily routine?


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis

Wake up somewhere between 4am and 6am
Take a shower
Hop on the bus or in the car and head down to the factory, making a stop at the local 7-11 for a cup of coffee and a donut.
Open up the building and power various machines and what not.
Collect counts from the night shift's production.
Take a massive shit in my personal bathroom while waiting for the crew to pile in.
Emerge from personal bathroom, cleansed and ready for the day.
Spend the next 4 hours whining, yelling, bitching (In both english and spanish), loading trucks, and fixing shit.
Eat a burrito or a chow mein thingy for lunch
Spend the next 4 hours whining, yelling, bitching (In both english and spanish), loading trucks, and fixing shit.
Watch as the day crew ends and the night crew starts.
Then I head home.
Drink a couple glasses of wine, and a few beers or something while watching TV and porn.
Surf the net for a few hours.
Sometimes I go out to a concert, dinner, or something.
Fall asleep.

And my weekends:

Wake up around noon, unless I have to work... refer to M-F for that routine.
Scratch my nuts while checking various forums.
Pop open a beer.
Few people usually stop over around 3-5, we either stick around or go out.
Continue drinking beer while doing whatever... usually a local concert and a few lunch/dinners/midnight all night eatery runs.
Pass out around 2am.

So, whats everyone elses daily routine like?
Til the new year...

-Wake up between 10:00 & 10:30 AM
-Turn on the computer and check the boards, myspace, email, etc
-Eat something
-Take a shower and get ready
-Mess around on the computer some more
-Play with Derick
-Eat lunch
-Mess around on the computer some more
-Play my guitar
-Play with Derick
-Eat dinner
-More computer
-More guitar
-More computer
-Tuck Derick in for bed
-More computer
-Eat a snack
-Take a bath
-More computer
-Go to bed

considering i have no idea what i'll be doing after tuesday, here was my general schedule for the past semester.

10:30am - wake up, throw clothes on, grab books.
11am- philosophy class
12pm - lunch with whoever i run into
and then the next 12 hrs are usually some amalgam of internets, hanging out with people, falling asleep
5pm- dinner
(con't) internets, falling asleep, readings/homework for class, tv, hanging out with people, every so often throw some weed-smoking in there
eventually sleep.

10ish am- wake up and do whatever i didnt finish a few days ago
12pm- lunch
1pm- meetings for the reading series i help out with
2pm- Fiction Writing Seminar
3:30pm - Poetry Writing Seminar
5pm-Intro to Linguistics
7:30pm- get out of class, grab food before the deli closes
8pm- reading

same as tues but no meetings at 1 and no classes or readings after the 2nd one, and just more random shit

all the random shit stretched out over 2 days

Mondays and Wednesdays:
1. Wake up when I feel like it, usually around 11:00AM.
2. Take a whiz.
3. Come to my computer to check forums and E-Mail.
4. Go downstairs to make coffee.
5. Come back upstairs with coffee, look on different resources for part time jobs.
6. Check forums and such some more while drinking coffee.
7. Take a shower and all of that good shit.
8. Do homework if I have it otherwise, play CS or do something else like play my guitar or my drums.
9. Hop in car and leave house around 4:30PM to head to class, stopping by the gas station for a Red Bull.
10. Leave the college around 10:00PM to head home.
11. Get home, make something to eat and crack a beer open, or pop a diphenhydramine, which ever I feel like on that particular day.
12. Watch a movie and/or fuck around on forums and/or program and/or play CS.
13. Go to bed around 2:00AM.

Tuesdays and Thursdays:
1. (See 1-7 on Mondays and Wednesdays)
2. Go to my friend Aine's and walk her dogs while she's at work.
3. Come back home.
4. Do homework if I have it otherwise, play CS or do something else like play my guitar or my drums.
5. Around 7:00PM, make something to eat and crack a beer open, or pop a diphenhydramine, which ever I feel like on that particular day.
6. Watch a movie and/or fuck around on forums and/or program and/or play CS.
7. Go to bed around 2:00AM.

1. (See 1-7 on Mondays and Wednesdays)
2. Do homework if I have it otherwise, play CS or do something else like play my guitar or my drums.
3. I never know what is going to happen Friday evenings.

1. Changes. Too random to have a schedule.

1. If I'm home, see Tuesdays and Thursdays minus step 2. That usually occurs on Saturdays but sometimes Sundays, depending how I feel on Saturdays.
2. Come home, if applicable.
3. Make coffee and come upstairs, to check forums and shit while partially hungover.
4. (See 4-7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays).
8:30 - 9:00am - Wake up, jump on the computer, check business emails.
9:30am - Dump.
10:00am - Procrastinate doing some work.
10:15am - Eat something.
10:16am - Realize eating anything would only upset my stomach this early, and put whatever it was I was going to make away.
10:30am - Do some actual work.
10:40am - Procrastinate a bit more, by playing some solitare or minesweeper.
11:30am - Shower.
12:01pm - Either at my other job, or cleaning up my house.
1:00pm - Work a bit more on the computer.
2:30pm - Eat something.
2:50pm - Veg.
3:30pm - Get ready for my other other job.
4:00pm - Business calls.
4:30pm - Off to work.
11:00pm - Off work, grab a beer.
11:30pm - Come home, ice my knees, veg.
12:01am - Watch a movie.
1:00 or 2:00am - Sleep.
7:00am: Wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast and drink a good cup of coffee
7:00am - 9:00am: mostly checking the comp, go to school or work
10:00am - 5:00pm: school or work
5:30pm: eat
6:00pm - 7:30pm: drink coffee, comp time, guitar time
8:00pm - 9:30pm: fitness (if not, the comp/guitar time continues)
11:00pm: watch tv laying on my bed
1:00am: sleep

....hmm if you say it this way it looks pretty boring...it is actually but i put alot of time and effort in my school so there isnt much time left for other stuff

oh in the weekends
its most likely to visit concerts, saterday relax time and sunday make homework and stuff
roll out of bed at 9:00am

sit and translate news articles from 9am to 1pm with breaks for pooping and eating.

change clothes and go jogging from 1pm to 1:30pm.

take shower, go to office at 2pm.

at work until 6:30pm, either working or cruising the internets.

after work either

a. go to the gym
b. go to rehearsal

come home around 9pm.

have sex with girlfriend.
watch movie/tv.

this is monday - thursday.

on fridays after gym/rehearsal, i go to my favorite tavern and get sloppy drunk.

weekends vary, though I visit my parents on Sundays a lot and Saturdays are either recovery and lounging if I drank myself into a coma on Friday, or go out drinking again if Friday wasn't too bad.

When going to work:

wake up at 5:30,
quick shower
Coffe + internet time
Shrike time
Feed the other pets
Get to work around 7:00 AM
Leave at 15:00
Go to the gym

and my afternoons change all the time.

When going to school:
Get up around 8-9
long shower
Internet + coffee time
Shrike and other pets time
meeting my classmates at the coffe house near the school
happy hour after

Very interesting, I know.
Wake up at 5
Take Shower
Hop on web for a few minutes
Leave at about 6:10, and just barely get to work on time at 7
Deal with customers and their stupid fucking clothes for about 8 hours
Get home like 4ish
Hop on compy, surf the web
Play some cnc or mtw2
eat dinner
chill till I go to bed around 10.
4:45 - Alarm goes off, I declare undying hatred for all humanity. Stagger into shower, boil skin for several minutes. Dress, drink coffee, feel like human being again. Dick around on interwebs posting stupid shit like this.

5:50 - Head out door to catch bus. Feel fleeting stab of pity for driver, but then decide that looking like Dr. House makes up for shitty job.

6:30 - get to work, open up Excel spreadsheet, enter wonderful world of idiots who can't get their insurance payments right.

7:30-8:00 - get second coffee at some point in here.

9:30-11:00 - take half hour lunch break at some point in here. Third coffee. Also finish idiot insurance payment spreadsheets, move on to idiots who can't get their unemployment fund payments right.

2:00-3:00 - leave work at some point, depending on day of week.

2:45-3:45 - get home at some point, depending on day of week. Fourth coffee. Log on to the WoWz.

4:30 - if Monday, begin killing internet trolls; otherwise, dick around with whatever. Probably about now that food becomes a good idea. Cook some shit.

5:30 - if Thursday or Friday, begin killing internet snake-people. Otherwise, continue dicking around with whatever. Maybe watch some HBO and continue finding out, years after the fact, why The Sopranos was so awesome.

8:00 - start looking wistfully at blanket on floor, wishing it was bed. Awesome power of belief continues to be myth. Fuck.

9:00 - if not already logged off, do so now, you fucking retard.

10:00 - at this point, should be either asleep or getting there. Begin cycle again.

I refuse to plan my weekends.
My routine is changing because of exams. Ask me again in January.
7:00am: Wake up, take a shower, eat breakfast and drink a good cup of coffee
7:00am - 9:00am: mostly checking the comp, go to school or work
10:00am - 5:00pm: school or work
5:30pm: eat
6:00pm - 7:30pm: drink coffee, comp time, guitar time
8:00pm - 9:30pm: fitness (if not, the comp/guitar time continues)
11:00pm: watch tv laying on my bed
1:00am: sleep

....hmm if you say it this way it looks pretty boring...it is actually but i put alot of time and effort in my school so there isnt much time left for other stuff

oh in the weekends
its most likely to visit concerts, saterday relax time and sunday make homework and stuff

you don't go to any nearby coffee shops?
Til the new year...

-Wake up between 10:00 & 10:30 AM
-Turn on the computer and check the boards, myspace, email, etc
-Eat something
-Take a shower and get ready
-Mess around on the computer some more
-Play with Derick
-Eat lunch
-Mess around on the computer some more
-Play my guitar
-Play with Derick
-Eat dinner
-More computer
-More guitar
-More computer
-Tuck Derick in for bed
-More computer
-Eat a snack
-Take a bath
-More computer
-Go to bed

You lie. I can't believe that you can get through an entire day and not have an entry saying, " - take massive poo" ^_^

I have no daily routine, I work in a so-called continuous service.
You lie. I can't believe that you can get through an entire day and not have an entry saying, " - take massive poo" ^_^

I have no daily routine, I work in a so-called continuous service.

You're right! Ok, somewhere between Derick time and computer time: take massive poo.
My daily routine is anything but. Every day is something different for me, even at work. Monotony, although comforting in small bits, ultimately makes me crazy.