Whats your drink of choice?

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Just curious as to what everbody's alcoholic beverdge of choice is??

I know that alot of guys, especially my mates, are all Jim Beam drinkers.

Personally, I love Jack Daniels and Coke, and cant understand why Beam is far more popular. Have a glass of JD, and then follow it up with a JB, and you'll see what I'm on about!!
As for Beer, used to love VB, nowadays I am swinging to the New, or the Premium Dry, which I have only just started drinking, and I must say, it aint half bad!
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
Personally, I love Jack Daniels and Coke, and cant understand why Beam is far more popular. Have a glass of JD, and then follow it up with a JB, and you'll see what I'm on about!!

Damn right!!

I'll take JD over JB any day (any day I have money to pay the extra for it, that is!) EXCEPT for when there's JB Black Label, Choice (green), Rye (yellow) or Gold (or Bonded - basically the same thing) around - then it's a lot harder to choose! :) Then there's Gentleman Jack - double charcoal filtered aged JD... YUM!! :loco:

(Yes, I like my Tenessee / Kentucky spirits! HAHA!)
My favourite drink is Apple juice. Or if im hitting the heavy stuff, its Apple AND Blackcurrant. Dont try this at home kids :D

Yes I am being serious, I LOVE apple juice :)
Apple juice good :D
I also dig Tang and Milo. As for alcoholomo drinks I will drink just about anything! Haha! But I specially like Guiness. Beer is good too...I prefer XXXX to VB though :D (Don't hurt me)
Wine also very nice.

BTW...anyone happen to listen to Emperor? They're quite good!
I'm also a beer man, VB is my weapon of choice. I don't mind Coldies either.

I'm not one for spirits, but I'll drink scotch and coke or bourben and coke if I'm already half pissed.

Also, I must say I love milkshakes they are my favourite!
Originally posted by Kem
Apple juice good :D
I also dig Tang and Milo. As for alcoholomo drinks I will drink just about anything! Haha! But I specially like Guiness. Beer is good too...I prefer XXXX to VB though :D (Don't hurt me)
Wine also very nice.

BTW...anyone happen to listen to Emperor? They're quite good!

Milo rules too! :D
Never heard of emperor im afraid to say, what kinda music is it?
Originally posted by Aces_High
Emporer are dark and brutal black metal spawn

you wouldn't like em me thinks
I like the dark, brutal and metal bits, but if it has those screechy vocals, methinks you are right Aces :)
Spawn, Emporer suck don't bother :)

Nothing but ultra-fast brutal blast beats, standard black metal riffs, and black metal roaring.
And it's SO GOOD!!!
You guys don't realise what you're missing out on!
I only just started listening to this stuff properly a little while ago. It really grows on you :D
Lots and lots of Jack Daniels and Coke !!

Or Jim Beam or Vodka. Beer/Guiness , sometimes maybe if I am in the right mood.

I love alcohol and drink too much !
Problem is I don't drink anymore ...... but I don't drink any less either :loco: