Whats your drink of choice?

Other than INSIGNIFICANT ALE, I like;
James Squire Original Ale
James Squire Porter
Boddington's Pub Ale
Cascade Premium
Cascade Light :eek:


Red Wine and cheese. :)

Hell, there isn't really any beer I wont drink, but they are what I'd chose should I get a choice.

Spirits do little for me. Especially mixing them with Coke. :confused:
I mean, Hell - if you don't like the taste of Jack, don't drink it. If you're going to, have it straight!.
Originally posted by Kem
And it's SO GOOD!!!
You guys don't realise what you're missing out on!
I only just started listening to this stuff properly a little while ago. It really grows on you :D

Kemmy, you are a lovely lady, but im siding with Troops all the way on this one :D
I said 'hell' twice in one post? :confused:
I never say that - Hell, that's really odd. :lol:
I loathe and despise alcohol. Fortunately music is the only escape from reality I've ever needed :).

Drinks-wise, I do have a certain fondness for Farmer's Union Iced Coffee, either intravenously or by the vatful!

And yes, Spawn, Emperor *do* suck. Unintelligible vocals, down-tuned guitars and poor production aside (the three things I hate most about death/black metal), their most recent and apparently final album has got the universal thumbs down- even from fans.

Ok, spawny has drawn the battle lines, emporer fans on one side, the rest of the earth on the other :)

But instead of going to war we all sit down and have a beverage of our choosing and put on some iced earth and iron maiden so that then everyones happy :)
(See how I brought it all back to the question in the thread in the first place? Class!) :lol:
Originally posted by duellist
i am a bit partial to the old Johnnie Walker and Coke. As for the amber liquid ( being from SA) the best, the only Coopers pale ale.

Well said (nearly).
Am partaking in a sparkling ale at present.

Unfortunately I left SA back when I was 13, long before I started enjoying beer.:)
It used to be JD and coke, then Johnny Walker Black and coke. Now it's mostly Southern Comfort and coke, but on special occasions it's a black russian or a white russian. Depending on my mood. :) I will and do drink any spirit or liquer that is not gin; had my first Bundy and coke on saturday, not bad at all. :)
Not a fan of beer at all, but obviously all booze is good booze (except for wine and gin which should be outlawed :mad: ) so I will drink beers if they are available for free and I have already had something else to numb the senses. Bud is probably the most palatable.

BTW, I don't want anyone to get the impression that I drink alot.