What's your favourite tempo ? (rehearsing/recording)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Exutus
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Hey I didn't see this thread before. Show tempos are usually around or over 250 (not sure if I'm allowed to say hehe), for my practice I like to start exercises at 88 and build up to about 226. For realllllly slllllllow practice, I stay at 88 but play half as slow, for example to memorize something or practice a new technique (wink-wink).

On the new song I came up with ridiculously difficult parts and now I have tons of work just to keep up with the band!
OTOH on Equilibrium drums and guitars were very challenging (we actually sped up that song recently) and my bass is relatively chill in comparison:)

There's room for everyone to have their shredding songs and then the more laid-back ones. I am hoping Bart will write another epic "Dead Man's Diary" type of song for the album.
There's way too much LOL in this thread, LOL

But no, I don't pick my tempos by the way the number looks, I pick what feels right at practice;)