i'll start:
drink alcohol and eat copiously and add excessive pounds to both my semi-small frame and my decrepit thoughts, gain an audience and assume the role of a sort of crippled Bacchus who wears non-descript shirts and tattered thermal undergarments to accentuate a sort of blackened mummy theme. the goal isn't too exemplify a 'bad american', but really to capture what a god of 'ruined fun' would be like.
drink alcohol and eat copiously and add excessive pounds to both my semi-small frame and my decrepit thoughts, gain an audience and assume the role of a sort of crippled Bacchus who wears non-descript shirts and tattered thermal undergarments to accentuate a sort of blackened mummy theme. the goal isn't too exemplify a 'bad american', but really to capture what a god of 'ruined fun' would be like.