Whats your opinion on Three Inches of Blood?


Aug 2, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
I recently got "Battlecry Under a Winter Sun" and "Advance and Vanquish" and frankly they are the most refreshing new band out. But some people bad mouth them and when i ask for a reason they cant come up with one valid point.. So yeah lemme hear some opinions yo.
Really lame trendhopping garbage that pretends it is related to "old-school heavy metal" by having a guy with a ridiculous name wail over generic chugging metalcore with the occasional odd power metal moment.

I don't see what there is to go apeshit over.
How can you say that 3iob is a trend hopper? For gods sake man they are trying to bring back 80's metal and they are the only band out that is doing that. You want trend hopping? What about Lamb of god? Ew. So yeah not valid in my book bro. And his name is Cameron? So the hell what.. take it up with his mommy...
Because they play generic metalcore and try to pretend they are cool with fans of real heavy metal, when they really aren't.

Lamb of God is pretty horrible, too, yeah. ;)

I was referring to his name in the band being CAM PIPES, actually.
Yeah aight i admit Jamie(MetalCore) isnt my favorite member of the band. But Cam is doing what hes good at, not cause everyone else is doing it, and who is?
HateBreeder dude the riffs in some of their songs are the best ive heard in ages. If you havent heard em, listen to "Deadly Sinners","Revenge is a Vulture", and "Dominion of Deceit". The riffs are up there with the Trooper. Yeah i said it. THE TROOPER:worship:
HateBreeder dude the riffs in some of their songs are the best ive heard in ages. If you havent heard em, listen to "Deadly Sinners","Revenge is a Vulture", and "Dominion of Deceit". The riffs are up there with the Trooper. Yeah i said it. THE TROOPER:worship:


The music itself is good, but the way they play it is annoying. I can't listen to one of their songs without thinking "man, I could be listening to something else that is like this but MUCH better".
Meh you see its like a kick in the groin when people say they are "cheesy" cause since 2000 when they started ive been tight with these guys and followed em and partied with em a couple times and shit.
i dig their riffs, cause yeah they remind me of old school. but i cannot stand tht guy's vocals. im sry, but he needs to either rip out his vocal chords, or find the guy who stole his balls and put them back on.

oh, and i really dig LOG, but their new album blew.
you asked for an opinion, and you've gotten one. I'm sorry if you don't agree with it, but oh well.
Why are you sorry? People seem to have forgotten that everybody has different tastes in music and when somebody says something negative about a particular genre or band that another person likes, they go apeshit.