Whats your opinion on Three Inches of Blood?

I recently got "Battlecry Under a Winter Sun" and "Advance and Vanquish" and frankly they are the most refreshing new band out. But some people bad mouth them and when i ask for a reason they cant come up with one valid point.. So yeah lemme hear some opinions yo.

I just recienty heard this band for the first time, and I agree they are refreshing, not the most refreshing, but I dig them.
These guys are fun. The lyrics and imagery are fun and entertaining. Singin9g about orcs is fucking cool. Simple as that. When it comes to thees guys I feel no need to go beyond the "fun factor" and therefore I enjoy them. They are going to opening for Behemoth here Thursday and I am looking forward to having a good time.
I liike them. They have almost an Iron Maidenish NWOBHM sound to them minus the fact that they have a hardcore screaming guy in the band who really does nothing for the band what so ever. Their new album is actually better than Advance & Vanquish, imo, and one of the best metal albums this year so far.
I caught these guys opening for Iron Maiden in Irvine, CA on the A Matter of Life and Death Tour. There wasn't enough of an impression made on me regarding their live performance or their material to turn me on to them.
I saw these guys live. They weren't too bad and pretty entertaining, but its hard to tell the songs apart at parts. Its just heavy riff after heavy riff and although its original, it still gets old very quickly.
They have absolutely nothing that makes old metal so awesome, like Rvnning Wild, Stormwitch, Accept, Sortilege, Vortex, Heavy Load, Silver Mountain, Gotham City, even first two albums Nocturnal Rites, Evil, ADX, Fates Warning and whatever. They're basically worthless to me.
i saw them back in 2005 at the underworld in london, himsa were supporting and they wernt to bad! proper tight and please please can people stop calling it metalcore or using the word metalcore in term with 3 inches of blood, this band is so far from metalcore!