What's ZH fans listening to now!?


Heres the info on the Death Machine CD. To send to Europe its $14.00 USD and that includes shipping via airmail. Send to

Jasun Tipton
5050 Carducci Dr
Pleasanton Ca 94588

We have a couple labels into at the moment but we haven't done anything just yet cause we just got the CD done. We will have more updates in a couple months on that end.

YOU RULE and sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

Originally posted by ZHJ&T
Heres the info on the Death Machine CD. To send to Europe its $14.00 USD and that includes shipping via airmail.
YOU RULE and sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

Soon enough, hun! Had some $ bills lying around so I made an envelope ready for you, keep your fingers crossed that it's gonna arrive safely ;)
:notworthy No man, YOU rule! ("no YOU rule!" "YOU do!" "you!" "YOU!" "no!" "yes!" "no way" yes way!" "ah shut the fuck up already.." :spin: :lol: )

Originally posted by FataMorgana
Is this the ZH forum or IE forum? :lol:


Zero Hour? Who's Zero Hour? :lol:

Just kidding haha!! Yeah I love Zero Hour too, saw them three times at a row (headline gig-ProgPower-Westfalen) last year and hung out with them a lot. I've met a LOT of people over the years but Jasun and Troy are the sweetest guys I've EVER met!! We've been out of touch too long, but they have a very special place in my heart!!
check out http://truemetal.org/marlies/private/pp01 - the ZH boys are in there too:)
Hahaha this is turning into the IE forum after all LOL!! Sorry J&T, I'm innocent :Saint:

Actually I HAVE repeatedly said they should get one - it's not about deserving, it's about them wanting to pay for a forum or not. I've tried to convince them that the small fee they ask is well worth the traffic you'll get being a part of this community. And with that the name will be spread:) Now they have their own message board on their website. Lately without pop-ups.. maybe they are paying after all? Hmmm maybe I should go bug them about this again :lol:
We played a couple shows with Into Eternity in Europe and they are some of the coolest kats you'll ever meet. I'm very stoked the buzz is getting out on them. Into Eternity rules!!!!

That's true Jay!! I chat with them (well mostly Tim) regularly and was just on the phone with Tim for an hour last night, in the middle of the night, well for me anyways :lol: We already had been chatting with a whole bunch for hours before that and they were all going out together... :waah: I wish I could've jumped over the ocean and joined them! Damn my broken beaming machine!! :rolleyes:

You guys are gonna meet them when they tour in feb. or march, right? They're planning on coming back to Holland too, soooo..... :hotjump:

I had Tim read this thread, so I think he should be the next to post, don't you agree? ;) :grin: