

I'll Give You My Cookies
May 15, 2002
A vast land of cornfields.
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Sorry, just caught a glimpse of RP's avatar.

Yeah, alright, I decided to start yet another useless thread, for the sake of... uselessness. And pissing people off.

Darkspot's here, peering over my shoulder. *elbows Darkspot in the ribs* MOVE GODDAMNIT.

We're over our dear Billy Corgan lurving friend's house, us, the Billy lurver, and our Bible thumper friend. Ahh, the diversity... lots of fun fun fun.

I'm preparing for my quest to New Jersey to see my dysfunctional relatives... something about a holiday with everyone feasting on a giant bird. And no theme song.



Darkspot keeps talking about her Layne Staley drawing. I keep talking about my horrible vocals. Wow. We're fucking special. And boring too. Yeah.

Don't mind me. It's the acid talking.
the two of you remind me of A.Chase and R.Graff, you only don't have an Enrique Vásquez, I guess.
famousamos, check your PM box, have to ask you something.
What I'm saying is that LSD is not as easy to find as let's say 20 or 30 years ago cause it's out of style nowadays. LSD is thought of as a "kids drug" and these days MDMA, amphetamines and weed are a whole lot more popular among young people than LSD.
gurilla>>fucking with ya dude. But in my area, its very much liked. The LSD is, and very exessible. Im finished with the stuff,....i think anyway. Been several yrs since i took my huge doses of the stuff.
Originally posted by Poison Godmachine
I got LSD in the 7th grade for pete's sake.
Duuuuuuuude,I am so behind:lol: My high school is infamous for all of this heroin it's supposed to have...but I swear,I haven't seen any.Though the boyfriend of this girl at my bus stop got arrested for buying pot during lunch.