When Bullets Fail – The Apathy Burden


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
When Bullets Fail – The Apathy Burden
Self-released – Demo – 2005
By Russell Garwood


When Bullets Fail – in case you hadn’t guessed from the name – play emo-hardcore. For such a young group, they do so to a high standard. Two vocalists mean that The Apathy Burden is drowning in dual lines, with a lot of screaming, and the recitation that we have become familiar with from US emo. Fragile singing is often off-key, as is usual for a lot of the style, and very effective. The guitars are melodic and have occasional metal elements thrown in, but for the most part melodic rhythm and lead work complement each other well, creating memorable tunes. The drums are solid, and the bass is fairly powerful.

All in all, The Apathy Burden is an impressive sophomore effort. The production is of a demo standard, but doesn’t detract from the music. While there is little in the way of originality here, I have no doubt a more individual sound will come with time and experience. As such I believe When Bullets Fail have a bright future ahead of them, and until then, their songs are well written, and well worth checking out for emo fans.


Official When Bullets Fail website